Attribution Biases Fundamental Attribution Error tendency to 1 Overestimate dispositional factors 2 Underestimate situational factors Why do most of us do it regularly Our society emphasizes individual accomplishments Don t like to admit how much environment situations impact us Actor observer perspective Self serving bias Attribute success to personal factors dispositional And failure to environmental factors situational Win Win situation or is it Self effacing bias Attribute success to help received situational And failure to self dispositional Seen a lot in Japan Halo Effect Know one thing good or bad and assume all other traits comparable Beautiful is good Confirmation bias and belief perseverance play a role Social Influences on Task Performance Sometimes we do better with audience Sometimes we do worse What is really going on Social Facilitation We do better on easy things with others around We do worse on hard things with others around Why the difference Zajonc Others arouse us when we feel seen And this makes dominant response even more likely Social Loafing Tendency to do less in a group if unseen compared to effort when alone How to combat social loafing Hold people accountable and make them be seen Create higher investment in goal Social Influences on Decision Making Groupthink bad decisions made because members of a cohesive group emphasize harmony at the expense of critical thinking How to combat groupthink Let people vote anonymously whether they think the group is making the best decision Let an outsider in to see what s going on to help making a decision Ask people in the group to play devils advocate Have diversity in the group
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