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Banking 12 03 2013 Check Draft drawn on a bank The drawee on a check is always a bank A check is demand paper it is payable on demand no waiting period required If a check is bounced then you have 10 days to make it right and pay any fees the holder Certification To check if the funds are available in the bank via certified check or cashiers check This can be made at the request of the drawer or Stop Pay Notice A Notice to stop payment of your notice Post Dated Check When writing a check with a future date on it The drawee has to notify their bank so they can red flag the account for security reasons and wait for the date to withdraw the funds Forgery There is a 30 day rule with forgeries from the same wrong doer The drawer has a monthly obligation to check their accounts to see I there is a forgery If you do not notify your bank within 30 days about a forgery then your bank is not responsible for any damage done by the same wrong doer

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UAlbany BLAW 220 - Banking

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