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An Offer Is A Proposed Contract Offeror Person Who Proposes And Offeree Person To Accept Or Decline 09 12 2013 Offer Reached Offers Be Meeting Of The Minds Traditional Legal Theory An Agreement Has Been Offers Made In Jest An Offer Made Jokingly Invitations To Negotiate Advertisements Most Ads Are Not Considered For An Offer To Be Legal It Must Be Definite Must Contain Sufficient Detail To Be Enforceable By A Court If Need Incorporation By Reference References Made In Legal Standing Documents That Can Be Referred Back To If Put Into Court Text Reference Pg 281 Requirements Contract All Items In The Contract Must Be Required To Be Available In A Given Amount Of Time Output Contract Purchases Of All Output At An Indefinite Price Communicative Idea Offer Must Be Sufficiently Communicated To Be Legally Binding

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UAlbany BLAW 220 - Offer

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