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Dr Broyles Journalism 2000 April 24 2014 Advertiser Send Encoder Communication Model Deliver message Lavidge Steiner Learning Model Feedback Conviction Audience Receiver decoder Purchase This is the model that gets stuff sold have to go up this ladder in order to sell a product Preference Liking Knowledge Awareness Or A much simpler way AIDA Attention Interest Desire Action ETHICS Is it good or bad 5 Controversial Issues 1 Puffery flattering often exaggerated phrase and publicity especially used for promotional purposes Something that the reasonable person would not take literally 2 Decency Sexual innuendos violence 3 Stereotypes very serious and not a new thing The only people we are allowed to stereotype is white men 4 Children teaching violence dangerous acts materialism unhealthy eating habits 5 Controversial Products fashion condoms alcohol cigarettes a Spuds MacKenzie 1984 bud light super bowl ad i It was appealing to children because of the cute dog b Joe Camel Cigarettes i Giant in the cigarette industry died at age 23 The Story behind Truth The don t smoke campaign don t smoke until you re an adult

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Communication Model

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