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Chapter 12 Nervous Tissue CNS Brain Spinal cord DNS Nerves Ganglia 4 houses cell bodies of neurons DNS Sensory afferent Somatic Nucl Bones Joints Parasympathetic Neurons Properties Motor efferent Skin Organs Voluntary Visceral Visceral ANS Muscles Muscles Somatic Glands Movement Reflexes Sympathetic Fight or Flight Rest Repair 1 Excitability 2 Conductivity 3 Secretion Functional Classes 1 Sensory afferent 2 Inter neurons 3 Motor efferent Types Types Of Glial Cells Functions Neuroglis of CNS Oligodendrocytes Form myelin in brain and spinal cord Ependymal Cells Microglia Astrocytes Nuerogila of PNS Schwann Cells Satellite Cells Lines cavities of brain and spinal cord secrete and circulate cerebrospinal fluid Phagocytize and destroy microorganisms foreign matter and dead nervous tissue Cover brain surface and non synaptic regions of neurons form supportive framework in CNS induce formation of blood brain barrier nourish neurons produce growth factors that stimulate neurons communicate electrically with neurons and may influence synaptic signaling remove K and some neurotransmitters from ECF of brain and spinal cords help to regulate composition of ECF form scar tissue to replace damaged nervous tissue Form neurilemma around all PNS nerve fibers and myelin around most of them aid in regeneration of damaged neuron fibers Surround soma of neurons in the ganglia provide electrical insulation and regulate chemical environment of neurons

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MCC BIO 201 - Chapter 12 Nervous Tissue

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