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Chapter 25 Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Pharynx connects oral cavity to esophagus Upper esophageal sphincter Pharyngeal constrictor helps push food down When not eating they stay constricted to keep air from being swallowed Esophagus 25 30 cm long begins around C6 vertebrae extends through the diaphragm and joins the stomach around T1 at the cardiac orfice Lower esophageal sphincter prevents regurgitation oxyntic gastic gland Cells in the gastric pits of the mucosa Mucous cells secrete mucus Stem cells replace dying cells Parietal cells secrete Hcl intrinsic factor and ghrelin Cheif cells gastric lipase and pepginogen The Phases of Gastric Secretion Vomiting controlled by medulla obeongata emetic center overstretching of S D Toxins Visceral trauma Pain Psychological sensory stimuli

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MCC BIO 201 - Chapter 25 Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach

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