Exam 11 Mar 31 Hypertentsion st Monday Chronic increase in BP o Usually due to increase peripheral resistance even thought we have millions of people dying from hypertension we don t know the exactly places the resistance could be can t get the cause can t treat it fortunately we know the most often places o Cuase oten unknown sometimes kidneys To check the kidneys why kidney Leads to ventricular hypertrophy o Summer icecream one of their arms is big one is not so big when the heart is trying to push harder the heart get bigger o Biscept huge bicept can t touch their face the muscle get in the way to do the contraction Waking up to find they have issues heart have issues their lungs cant expand Blood component overview Plasma o Components water 90 50 50 Glorified Plum liquids at least to be around 55 and plasma proteins Albumin maintaining pH and BP osmolarity in our flow immunoglobulins the antibodies fibrinogen have we seal damages on cardiovascular system o Transport materials and heat T impacting how the heart work when we are hot send the heat to the surface o Maintain BP and pH o Provide immunity and clotting not just the fluid have functions Blood cells Platelets o Leucocytes leuco white immune system o Erythrocytes RBC latin o Participate in hemostasis need the blood to stay in the vessel don t want it to go out of the system the system it fix its own damage components Erythrocytes Small 5 7 10 6 blood vessels one cell a time want the cell to be as small as possible Lack nucleus and organelles get kicked out lost all sorts of repair capacity so short time not be able to fix glycolysis proplem Only have one thing built to them Biconcave ellipse push in on both sides to their middle Why o maximize surface area helps to do diffusion better o min width have to got thru the cappilaries primary function transport O2 to the cells and take CO2 away from the cells Moving O2 O2 nonpolar the cell is not a barrier for it how do we keep it in strap the O2 in o Hemoglobin Hb go thru have the capacity to carry 4 O2 also CO2 H CO Lifespan 120 days without nucleus cant repair when get damaged constantly replacing and making new BC needs replacing need to know how we replace Erythropoiesis process of replacing o Where bone marrow special cells o Rate 2 3 million RBCs per second making and replacing during the lecture time o Needs browny sugar flour water eggs chocolate Iron key component of Hb vitamin B12 and folic acid females who were pregnant take this to make sure they and their baby have enough Hb Erythropoietin communicate happen as result of the Kidney E do we have enough components Dropped O2 kidney release more EPO take have more BC and do more activities but cheating more RBCs hopefully do a ve feedback Removal of old RNCs happen in 2 location and decide whether to keep RBCs o Where spleen and liver o Bilirubin is produced by breakdown of Hb give distinctive color yellow if we can t get rid of the bilirubin get yellow an issue Deficts anemie not enough or not able to do job well O2 carrying capacity rely on anaerobic many ways we can end up having anemia Forms of anemia decrease RBCs r bad Hb most people think anemia nutritional anemia o Nutritional iron dietary deficiency of Fe o Pernicious inability to absorb B12 in gut just like Ca need to pull the iron out we need to get them shot put the B12 in inject o follicular is not one of the main categories just for pregnent o Aplastic insufficient amount of bone marrow o Renal insufficient erythropoietin o Hemorrhagic excessive blood loss removing to fast pressure issue doesn t affect their O2 carrying ablility o Hemolytic excessive RBC destruction o Having the right of BC but cant do their jobs sickle cell 9genetic mutation of Hb structure sickle shape not easy to go thru not getting flow in areas one single part of the protein April 4th Friday Two zones conducting and respiratory figure 13 3 Respiratory o Parts Respiratory broinchiles Aveolar ducts Aveoli o Characteristics Gas exchange D Thin walled Highly vascularized Two types of aveolar cells type A cells o Type I gas exchange B because they are thin Why do we have the o Type II surfactant why isn t everything thin The medium inside of the aveoli is air the media inside of you is liquid the bubbles coplapse But if we put soap they stay we reduce the tension on the walls allows the aveoli to open lungs get ready to breath when they come early unlined not ready to have air in them Put surfactant in the lungs keep their lungs open be able to survive Helps keep aveoli open Maximized surface area Thoracic cavity o Diaphragm skeletal muscles Because we can running it on a reflex but we can control it o Intercostals o Both skeketal lungs are not bones skeletal is under our control o But lungs not directly attached How do we move the skeletal to get the lungs Pleural sac water filled ballon figure 13 5 o Parietal leural outside attached to the wall o Visceral pleural inside attached to the lung This is a fluid filled sac transfers the movement H bonding Water two water molecules attached to each other attraction holds the coaster the glue transferes the movement as you pick up the glass come with it o Key fluid transfers o The walls are made up of two very distinctively different cells type 1 cells do Ventilation figure 13 8 Inspiration Expiration gradient Both variable What if the sac is broken o pneumothorax o Contract sac transfers higher V lower P air in contraction a larger space of the thoracic cavity the lung volume is going to get bigger PV nRT V increase P goes down o Relax sac transfers drop V Air out create pressure not longer going to have the transfer of movement lose the air in and air out component lung collapses no influx of O2 no out flow still move but no damage from the outside periatal or inside visceral Extra fact form Apr 7th Monday but covered in Exam 11 o Tidal volume inhale exhale rest 500 mL The V of gas in lungs just after inhalation the V of gas in lungs just after exhalation can change At rest don t need a lot of tidal volume so breath in less Resting tidal V is 500 mL The tidal V can be expanded by inspire more and or expire more Inspiratory reserve V IRV the V difference between regular level of inspiration up to the max Expiratory reserve V ERV the V difference between regular level of expiration down to the min Vital capacity max inspr max exp One fact in Apr 7th but covered in Exam 11 Residual V Use up the entire amount reserved biggest tidal volume
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