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Chapter 8 Answers Question 1 0 5 0 5 points Most theories of moral development agree that at first a child s morality is Question options 1 regulated by inner standards 2 motivated by a fear of retribution 3 driven by compassionate concern 4 externally controlled by adults Questio n 2 0 5 0 5 points Mia bit her brother so her father would not let her watch TV This technique known as withdrawal of privileges Question options 1 gives Mia s father a cooling off period 2 allows Mia s father to avoid harsh techniques that could easily intensify into violence 3 helps Mia relate biting to her father s expectations for her future behavior 4 is not as effective as corporal punishment Questio n 3 Which of the following is true about the permissive child rearing style Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 Instead of gradually granting autonomy permissive parents allow children to make many of their own decisions at an age when they are not yet capable of doing so 2 Permissive parents exercise firm reasonable control over their children 3 Permissive parents insist on mature behavior and give reasons for their expectations 4 Permissive parents are emotionally detached and depressed with little time and energy for children Questio n 4 Reviewers of thousands of studies have concluded that TV violence Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 decreases the likelihood of hostile emotions but increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior in viewers 2 has a negative impact on preschool children but does not increase aggression in older children 3 is common on nighttime programming but perpetrators are almost always punished 4 increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and aggressive behaviors in viewers Questio n 5 Research on environmental influences on gender typing suggests that parents Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 actively reinforce dependence in boys 2 have different expectations for sons than for daughters 3 have similar expectations for sons and daughters 4 give their sons toys that emphasize cooperation Questio n 6 0 0 5 points Four year old Ellie is shown two pictures one depicting a child stealing an apple and the other showing a child eating ice cream with her fingers Ellie is most likely to view Question options 1 the stealing as worse than the bad table manners 2 both actions as okay as long as they were not witnessed by an adult nOT THE RIGHT ANSWER 0 5 0 5 points 3 both actions as equally wrong 4 the bad table manners as worse than the stealing Questio n 7 Molly says Only girls can be nurses Molly Question options 1 is a gender aschematic child 2 has not yet attained gender constancy 3 has an androgynous gender identity 4 is a gender schematic child Questio n 8 0 5 0 5 points Frank a kindergartener says that Pat is his best friend on days they get along But when a dispute arises he reverses himself Pat is not my friend Frank s parents should Question options 1 talk to the teacher about Frank s poor attitude 2 talk to Pat s parents and both children about the true meaning of friendship 3 not be concerned because friendships in early childhood do not have a long term enduring quality based on mutual trust 4 be concerned because secure friendships in early childhood should survive conflicts Questio n 9 Children who are sociable and assertive are Question options 1 more likely to help share and comfort others in distress 2 usually poor at regulating emotion 3 likely to show a rise in heart rate and lip biting when they see a peer in distress 4 often overwhelmed by others distress 0 5 0 5 points 0 5 0 5 points Question 10 Gender schema theory Question options 1 explains how environmental factors contribute to sex differences in behavior and personality traits 2 explains how environmental pressures and children s cognitions work together to shape gender role development 3 maintains that children acquire gender typed responses through modeling and reinforcement 4 maintains that biological factors have a greater impact on gender typing than environmental factors Question 1 The child rearing style is the most successful approach Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 authoritati ve 2 authoritari an 3 permissi ve 4 uninvolv ed Question 2 0 5 0 5 Frequent punishment Question options points 1 promotes moral development and prosocial behavior 2 promotes immediate compliance but not lasting changes in behavior 3 is more common with school age children than with toddlers and preschoolers 4 produces lasting changes in children s behavior Questio n 3 Research on environmental influences on gender typing shows that teachers Question options 0 0 5 points 1 tend to negotiate more when boys misbehave coming up with a joint plan to improve behavior NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER 2 use more disapproval and controlling discipline with girls than with boys 3 seem to expect girls to misbehave more often than boys 4 give girls more encouragement than boys to participate in adult structured activities Questio n 4 Mark rates his personality as ambitious competitive affectionate cheerful and soft spoken Mark s responses indicate a n Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 traditionally masculine gender identity 2 traditionally feminine gender identity 3 androgynous gender identity 4 abnormal gender identity 1 neglect sexual abuse 2 physical abuse emotional abuse 3 sexual abuse neglect Questio n 5 0 5 0 5 points Mothers engage in more often than fathers whereas fathers engage in more often than mothers Question options 4 emotional abuse physical abuse Questio n 6 0 5 0 5 points Although good discipline is crucial is also influential in conscience development Question options 1 a child s temperament 2 peer sociability 3 fear of punishment 4 permissive child rearing Question 7 0 5 0 5 points In contrast to the psychoanalytic and behaviorist approaches to morality the cognitive developmental perspective Question options 1 focuses on how children internalize standards of good conduct from adults 2 emphasizes forms of discipline that encourage and reward good conduct 3 encourages the use of corporal punishment to correct misbehavior 4 regards children as active thinkers about social rules Questio n 8 Max plays with a funnel at one end of the sand table while Madison makes a pie at the other end The children talk and pass tools back and forth They are engaging in play Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 associati ve 2 parall el 3 nonsoci al 4 cooperati ve Question 9 0 5 0 5 points Which of the following is true about the effects of harsh

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