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Chapter 7 Answers Boys are times more likely to be injured than girls Question options General descriptions of what occurs and when it occurs in a particular situation are known as Question options Preschoolers first attempts to print often involve writing Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 1 5 2 2 3 2 5 4 3 Questio n 2 0 5 0 5 points 1 memory strategies 2 script s 3 autobiographical memories 4 digit span tasks Question 3 1 letters to their parents 2 fictional stories 3 a holiday or birthday wish list 4 their own name Question 4 0 5 0 5 points Watching educational television programming like Sesame Street is associated with Question options 1 short term benefits such as getting higher grades in elementary school but these effects tend to wash out by middle childhood 2 getting higher grades reading more books and placing more value on achievement in high school 3 above average IQ scores advanced moral understanding and resistance to peer pressure in adolescence 4 overweight and obesity particularly for children who spend more than an hour a day watching educational television Questio n 5 In industrialized nations childhood diseases have declined dramatically during the past half century largely as the result of Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 generous government nutrition programs 2 government funded health care 3 widespread immunization of infants and young children 4 a reduction in the number of viral and bacterial infections worldwide Questio n 6 As children s bodies become more streamlined and less top heavy Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 balance improves greatly 2 their center of gravity shifts upward 3 gross motor development slows 4 fine motor development slows 1 Drownin gs 2 motor vehicle collisions fire 3 s 4 abuse and neglect 1 ordinalit y Question 7 0 5 0 5 points In the United States are the leading cause of death among children more than 1 year old Question options Question 8 0 5 0 5 points Three year old J T understands that 3 is more than 2 and 2 is more than 1 J T is demonstrating a grasp of Question options Question 9 0 5 0 5 points Information processing focuses on that children use to transform stimuli flowing into their mental systems Question options 2 cardinalit y 3 chronological order 4 one to one correspondence 1 physical skills 2 attention strategies 3 mental strategies 4 metacognition skills Question 10 0 5 0 5 points In child centered preschool programs teachers Question options 1 structure children s learning 2 often use repetition and drill 3 provide a variety of activities from which children select 4 encourage children to fend for themselves Question 1 0 5 0 5 points According to Piaget the most obvious change as children move from the sensorimotor to the preoperational stage is an increase in Question options 1 representational or symbolic activity 2 private speech 3 logical thought 4 abstract thought Questio n 2 0 5 0 5 points Research shows that children more often use private speech when Question options 1 they have difficulty taking the perspectives of others 2 they are engaged in cooperative dialogues 3 tasks are appropriately challenging and they are confused about how to proceed 4 they cannot find a conversational partner Questio n 3 Developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with oral rehydration therapy which consists of Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 iron supplements 2 antiviral drugs 3 immunization of infants and young children 4 a solution of glucose salt and water Questio n 4 0 5 0 5 points According to Vygotsky private speech during the preschool years Question options 1 reflects young children s egocentrism 2 is not nearly as important as Piaget thought 3 is externalized with age 4 helps young children guide their behavior during challenging tasks Questio n 5 According to Vygotsky a parent engages in when he adjusts the support offered to the child during a teaching session to fit the child s current level of performance Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 transitive inference 2 dual representation 3 proximal teaching Which of the following is true about sex differences in motor skills in early childhood Question options 4 scaffoldi ng Question 6 0 5 0 5 points 1 Boys have better balance than girls 2 Girls can jump slightly farther than boys 3 Boys can hop and skip better than girls 4 Girls are ahead of boys in fine motor skills Questio n 7 0 5 0 5 points A central component of the Head Start philosophy is Question options 1 formal academic training 2 a highly structured classroom learning environment Questio n 8 3 conflict resolution 4 parental involvement 0 5 0 5 points Which of the following is supported by research on child care Question options 1 The effects of substandard child care typically wash out once the child starts elementary school 2 Most child care in North America is high quality 3 Regardless of quality child care leads to insecure attachment and poor school readiness 4 Good child care enhances cognitive language and social development Questio n 9 refers to the idea that certain physical characteristics of object remain the same even when their outward appearance changes Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 Centrati on 2 Animistic thinking 3 Conservati on 4 Magical thinking Question 10 0 5 0 5 points In Western societies the role of equipping children with the skills they need to become competent workers is assigned to Question options 1 parent s 2 school s 3 child care programs 4 technical training programs Question 1 0 5 0 5 points One reason that gains in IQ and achievement test scores from attending Head Start quickly dissolve is that many of the children Question options 1 enter low quality public schools 2 have to repeat grades in elementary school 3 drop out of school before graduating 4 are unable to keep up with the homework demands in grade school Questio n 2 Two year old Aidan says We saw two deers Aidan is demonstrating Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 overextensi on 2 underextensi on 3 overregularizati on 4 underregularizati on Question 3 0 5 0 5 points Three year old Will brings all of his action figures to preschool for show and tell because he does not want any of them to feel bad if they are left behind at home Will is demonstrating Question options Vygotsky viewed play as the ideal social context for fostering cognitive development in early childhood Question options 0 5 0 5 points 1 centratio n 2 animistic thinking 3 conservati on 4 irreversibili ty Question 4 1 make

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