HDFS 2400 Exam 2 Study Guide Dr Roy Fish Lecturer Exam 2 will cover a sampling of topics from chapters 7 12 There will be 10 multiple choice questions per chapter 60 questions total Many of the questions will be similar to those encountered on your online quizzes This study guide highlights the approximate page numbers 2nd edition and topics from which the exam questions are taken Where noted inset refers to special sections in the text For example the inset for 186 refers to the boxed content on Mindblindness and Autism The study guide should significantly help you to narrow your focus as you prepare for the exam You may also use the Exam 2 Study Guide Q A discussion board to collaborate with classmates on working through the study guide CHAPTER 7 PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD a 167 Cerebellum consequences if damaged a Structure that aids in balance and control of body movement b Children with damage usually display motor and cognitive deficits b 168 Preschoolers nutrition eating habits a Become more picky their appetites decline because their growth starts to slow down b If they don t eat enough during a meal its okay because they make up for it by eating a lot more at a later meal c 169 Infectious disease in developing nations a Many children that live in poverty and do not receive routine immunizations develop disease b Poor diet depresses the body s immune system and make the children more susceptible to disease d 169 Oral rehydration therapy involves what How is it beneficial a Sick children are giving a solution of glucose salt and water that quickly replaces fluids the body loses b Through this intervention millions of lives are saved every year e 170 Childhood injuries factors associated with a Occur within a complex ecological system of individual family community and societal influences i Poverty single parenthood and low parental education are associated with injury f 171 Gross motor development a Bodies become more streamlined and less top heavy their center of gravity shifts downward toward the trunk i Balance improves greatly b Running then jumping hopping galopping and skipping g 175 Dual representation a viewing a symbolic object as both an object in its own right and a symbol i playhouse can be a toy and also a representation of an actual house h 176 Inability to Conserve Piaget a Conservation refers to the idea that certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same even when their outward appearance changes i i e spreading out raisins and a kid thinking the other kid had more because they were more spread out i 182 Attention what contributes to gains in sustained attention a Improves in early childhood b Steady gain in children s ability to inhibit impulses and keep their mind on a competing goal j 186 inset Children with autism compared to typically developing children a Absorbed in the self b limited ability to engage in nonverbal behaviors requires for successful social interactions language was delayed and stereotyped and engaged in much lass make believe play than other children CHAPTER 8 EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD a 199 Preschoolers self concepts a The set of attributes abilities attitudes and values that an individual believes defines who he or she is b Very concrete they usually mention observable characteristics b 201 Empathy Characteristics of children who are sociable and assertive a feeling with another person and responding emotionally in a similar way c 202 Play types of play a nonsocial activity solitary play b parallel play child plays near other children with similar materials but does not try to influence their behavior another s behavior c associative play children engage in separate activities but exchange toys and comment on one d cooperative play more advanced type of interaction children orient toward a common goal d 205 Conscience development factors that influence it a e 205 Children learning to behave morally how a with guidance from their parents i if parents use threats and commands too much then it sets back the progress of the children a this is a physical punishment and is positively associated with adolescent aggression and antisocial f 207 inset Spanking outcomes behavior g 209 Types of aggression a physical aggression harms others through physical injury pushing hitting kicking or punching others or destroying another s property b verbal aggression harms others through threats of physical aggression name calling or hostile c relational aggression damages another s peer relationship through social exclusion malicious teasing gossip or friendship manipulation h 210 TV Violence outcomes relationally aggressive behavior i 211 Gender typing what is it a It increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and emotions and of verbally physically and a Refers to any association of objects activities roles or traits with one sex or the other in ways that conform to cultural stereotypes j 217 Styles of childrearing a authoritative most successful approach involves high acceptance and involvement adaptive control techniques and appropriate autonomy granting b authoritarian low in acceptance and involvement high in coercive control and low in autonomy granting c permissive warm and accepting but uninvolved d uninvolved combines low acceptance and involvement with little control and general indifference CHAPTER 9 PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN MIDDLE CHILDHOOD a 225 Skeletal growth a b 226 Effects of chronic malnutrition c 227 Sleep and obesity weight gain a less sleep was known to lead to obesity later in life d 229 Fine motor skill development a improves during the school years b start writing and copying shapes then develops from there on e 231 inset Research on recess a children NEED recess research shows that kids that had recess were able to focus more in class after their break mental break f 232 Task of conservation in concrete operational stage a reversibility the capacity to think through a series of steps then mentally reverse direction g 235 Memory strategies a rehearsal repeating the information to herself b organization grouping related items together c elaboration creating a relationship between two pieces of information that do not belong to the a runs in families and is highly inheritable b also known to increase with some environmental factors such as illegal drugs and alcohol during same category h 236 inset Research on origins of ADHD pregnancy i j 237
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