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19th Century Influences on Sexuality Contraception not available Lots of children Infant mortality low Change in English vocab based on puritanism Ex Rooster from cock Ex haystacks for haycock Ex Dark and light meat for breast Ex Bosom for breast Women seen as innocent placed on pedestal Sex seen as a stressor that should be avoided Women sexuality completely ignored Dr Sylvester Graham Positive nutrition Health problems caused by marital excess 1 oz of semen equal to 40 oz of blood Recommended that males ejaculate no more than 12 times a year o Stresses relationship Brainwashing o Was believed since he was a doctor John Kellogg Healthy cereals Totally obsessed with bowel movements List to identify masturbators o Fickleness o Bashfulness o Laziness o Profanity o Nail biting o Basically adolescence Right in a sense Once had children don t have sex anymore Masturbation is a horrible thing Women were diagnosed with hysteria and the cure was vulva massage Dr William Acton Women had little sexual feeling or interest Must lie still during sex Spermatorrhea males were losing sperm cells without doing anything about it o Stuff sucked out of penis Jugum penis REM cycle usually have erection Used when people slept Anti Masturbation device Doesn t allow erection Richard von Krafft Ebing Blamed EVERYTHING on masturbation o Hair on palms o Go blind o Premature ejaculation o Stigmas Freud Added legitimacy to sexuality research Believed it was worth looking at Believed women experienced either an orgasm through penetration or vulvar orgasm o Mature penis vs immature Henry Havelock Ellis English anthropologist Provided information from all over that everyone masturbates Sexual orientation existed in degrees Women s libido as strong as men s o No one wanted to hear that 20th Century Influences on Sex 09 03 2013 Alfred Kinsey Found there wasn t data on American sexuality Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 1948 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female 1953 Scientific not smut Research studies Asked men if how much they masturbate vs normal o Found men always said less than they thought was normal o Also found males thought their penis were bigger Sample was too white educated catholic Began process of collecting information Has to be taken with skepticism due to narrowness The Hunt Report 1975 Many findings surprisingly similar to Kinsey Women more likely to have orgasm from masturbation Sexual revolution of the 60s o Data was still fairly similar The Hite report 1976 o 3 6 Examination of women s sexual behavior Bad news findings should be taken with skepticism due to low response rate Didn t help field because seen as pop psychology Masters and Johnson 1966 Work done in labs Monitored the physical responses Developed sexual response model Sex in America 1994 In order to treat human sexuality dysfunction we need to know how it works normally HIV AIDS happened in the 80s Needed current data on teen sexual behavior Era of political correctness o Social Behavioral Aspects of Fertility Related Behavior o Conservative politicians turned it down University of Chicago said they d do the survey o Over 21 o In America o During early 90s o Wanted to do F2F Chose old people to be interviewers Was awkward Found o Americans are largely monogamous o Married couples have the most sex and most orgasms when they do o Favorite thing sexually penetration o Adultery numbers low Methodologically is good Spawned things that look at pop culture Must have good access to healthcare Fears of education encouraging sex Politics religion Female Reproductive Anatomy 09 03 2013 Who has what parts and what role do those parts play Hormonal shift progesterone Hypothalamus GnRH Pituitary Fsh LH Ovaries estrogen Hypothalamus alarm clock FSH follicle stimulating hormone stimulates egg follicles LH luteinizing hormone makes you ovulate Shift in hormones cause physical changes secondary sex characteristics o Breast develop o Menstruation average 12years and 10months Happening earlier these days Weight is an issue body fat and menstruation Nutrition Environmental pollution o Hair growth o Change in physique o Psychological shift Anatomy Nerve endings for sexual stimulation Vascular system that is very developed o Need blood flowing to that area to facilitate vaginal lubrication Clitoris o Unique because it only serves stimulation purpose o Like a small penis Hood of clitoris prepuce o Facilitates sexual stimulation on clitoris provides friction o Buffers direct contact with clitoris o Without it its painful Labia majora and minora lips o Don t really provide any protection Perenium o In between anus o Incision made in child birth Bartholin s glands o Unknown purpose o Don t provide lubrication or sexual response Hymen o Basic protection probably o Has to be permeable due to menstruation Vagina sloped at 45degrees o Potential space o Lengthens and widens in arousal o Walls made of mucus membrane allows fluid to come through o Functions Organ of sexual intercourse Way for sperm to get into body Way for menstrual flow to leave body Birth canal o pH fairly acidic so as not to promote infections Kills many sperm Cervix os opening to uterus o Cells taken to check for atypical cells that might be cancerous at some point o Pap smear most helpful o HPV Uterus o Embryo implants here o Layered Endometrium sluffs on during menstruation and where egg implants o Suspended by ligaments so it can move for pregnancy o PC muscles On pelvic floor Might increase likelihood of orgasm If these are built they may promote childbirth o Fallopian tubes Narrow Inside are cilia that move egg Susceptible to infection PID 95 due to STI Inside are fimbriae which makes a suction Scar tissue builds up and blocks egg Ectopic pregnancy o G Spot 1 3 way in Other Issues Premenstrual syndrome PMS o Physical and emotional Breast self exam BSE o Find baseline Advertising Hello Flo No nerve endings on the inner 2 3 of vagina Male Reproductive Anatomy 09 03 2013 Hypothalamus GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone pituitary FSH ICSH interstitial cell stimulating cell hormone testes Secondary sex characteristics Hair pubic underarm facial chest Growth spurt Muscular definition Larynx change Breakout of skin Penis grows experience erections sometimes nothing to do with sexual stimulation can occur from stress nocturnal emissions Gonads outside body in order to optimize sperm production Testicles enlarge Small emotional shift Scrotal sac o Temps lower than internal o Accounts for changes

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UMD HLTH 377 - 19th Century Influences on Sexuality

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