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Organ Systems run mrs lydic Reproductive system Contains the sex producing cells of the body and the accessory organs of the body penis vagina etc which plays a part in the sex cells and development of the fetus Urinary Urinary bladder is a storage organ and the kidneys serve as a filter for the body This system gets rid of nitrogenous waste adjusts chemical balance of body fluids and maintains body volume Nervous Made up of brain spinal cord and nerves Coordinates body s regions interprets environmental cues integrates information Muscular Individual muscles are the organs of this system Muscles move and strengthen joints and generate heat as well as abdominal compression Respiratory Consists of the nose larynx trachea and lungs The function is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and air Skeletal Each bone is considered an organ Each bone consists blood vessels and nerves It supports the body protects delicate organs and produces blood Lymphatic Cells from this system make up the immune system which is a functional system This system includes lymph nodes spleen thymus and tonsils One major function is to protect body from foreign partials such as bacteria etc Integumentary mostly made up of the skin which is the largest organ of the body Includes associated structures like hair follicles nails glands etc The skin protects the body from microorganisms keeps it from drying out and produces vitamin D Digestive Made up of mouth esophagus stomach intestines and liver Provides nutrients and water to the body Endocrine composed of organs that produce hormones for example thyroid glands and adrenal glands Hormones are vital in regulating growth development and maintaining a constant internal body condition Cardiovascular made up of the blood heart and blood vessels The heart is the pump and the blood vessels are the delivery and return portion of the system Transports oxygen carbon dioxide and other materials through the body Included with lymphatic and circulatory system Anatomical position assumed position how she made us stand in class Terms Ventral towards the front or belly Dorsal towards the back or spine Anterior towards the ventral side Posterior towards the dorsal side superior above can say surpa too inferior below medial towards the middle lateral away from the middle proximal closer to the point of attachment or origin distal farther from the point of attachment or origin superficial closer to the body surface deep farther from the body surface extremities limbs such as arms and legs Body Planes Frontal Plane also known as coronal is through the body like from shoulder to shoulder It divides the body into front and back Midsagittal Plane divides the body so that there is a right and left side sagittal cut Transverse Plane divides body so that there is a upper and lower portion It divides it into inferior and superior Cavities its just where things are stored Body regions Cranial head Cervical neck Acromial shoulder Scapular shoulder blade Axillary arm pit Pectoral pecks Brachial arm Carpal wrist Thoracic chest Lumbar type of vertebrae spine Sacral tail bone Coxal hip Gluteal buttocks Femoral thigh region Patellar knee cap Popliteal back of the knee Crural leg Calcaneal heal Tarsal ankle Divisions of skeletal system Axial skull hydroid bone vertebral column ribs sternum middleish parts Appendicular pectoral girdle upper extremity pelvic girdle lower extremity Major bones of the body PAGE 96 Long bones Arm forearm fingers thigh leg toe bones Short bones wrist ankle bones Flat bone cranial pelvic girdle pectoral girdle sternum rib bones Irregular Floor of skull facial Vertebral bones Articulated connecting Extensions projections sticking out Depressions indents or depth in a bone Passages hole or space things can run through Axial skeleton Skull Thoratic cage sternum ribs costal cartilage vertebrae Vertebral column is S shaped Divisions of vertebral column Cervical alas axis c1 c7 Thoratic t1 t12 Lumbar L1 L5 Sacrum S1 S5 Coccyx Spinal curvatures Cervical curvature anteriorly secondary curvature meaning its developed it s the first one developed because it s the neck part and its for the muscles to life your head when you re a cute little baby The cervical vertebrae have bifib spinal process 2 looks like bunny ears I guess They have a transverse foramen which are tiny wholes in the side where arteries go through to the brain It also has a small body because it doesn t support as much weight just the head 2 specific ones Atlas c1 doesn t have a body and has superior and deep facets out It s the tooth of the Axis which sticks out superiorly The canals in the skull connect with these superior facets When they are joined there is a transverse ligament that allows you to move your head left and right Axis c2 instead of a body it has dens AKA odontoid process sticking Thoratic curvature posterior curve primary curvature meaning you re born with it It has a spinous process that is very sharp and connects in a downward form and protects the spinal cord It has extra facets which are called costal facets that connect to the ribs This is where the ribs connect to the vertebrae From the superior view it looks like a giraffe Lumbar curvature anteriorly develops when we start standing up from the weight of the body and gravity Very large body which is also thicker The spinal process is more blunt and short Pelvic curvature posterior curve primary curvature meaning you re born with it This is the sacrum and coccyx which is the last part of the vertebra It has 5 sacrum bodies and at the end is the coccyx which is the tailbone Abnormal curvatures Scoliosis you form an S or C from the posterior view This can happen from a muscle imbalance on one side Kyphosis Hunchback excessive curvature of thoratic Lordosis swayback from being pregnant or fat causes lower back pain can be from lack of muscle development in other places must know the features of a typical vertebrae Spinal cord is held in the vertebral foramen Articular facet the smooth area that connects with the rest of the vertebrae It has a superior and inferior part that differs The intervertebral disk fits right inside the body The nucleus pulposes is the middle part of the disk that is like a jelly The annulus fibrosis is the part that is around it that is like a thicker fiber if there is pressure on the disk then the jelly part can squirt out to the posterior part which causes pain and can be fixed by extension

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TEMPLE KINS 1223 - Organ Systems

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