16 20 notes set 3 17 04 2014 09 01 00 Generic Virus Life Cycle viral particles have surface structures that direct binding to receptors on host cells specific structure that the virus interacts with have the infection virus it binds to receptors fuses and enters it then goes through inside it integrates transcribes translates assembles and buds budding maturation virus Viral nucleic acid is uncoated so it MAY or MAY NOT integreate into host cell genome Influenza RNA to RNA idenfitied and designated by the H and N antigens on surface H1N1 always called H N but the SPIKES on the thing tells you which mixed infection of non human and human virus can allow recombination of genes rapidly producing a virus with large chances in h N number it is angitgens when mutations occur at a slow rate the result is gradual change drift in surface protein structures result anti genetic drift seasonal flu variations Tamiflu Relenza block release of virus from infected cell flumadine Symmetrel decrease influenza A infection by reducing viral RNA un coating inside the infected cells Vaccine Creation Issues Scientific cannot be certain which antigens will be present on next year s flu virus Technical it takes 2 months to grow virus and then additional time to test effectiveness transport and store Economic no guarantee that the vaccine will be needed will not be bought if mild disease vaccination liability protection HIV host Herpes A DNA virus infection and replication creep herpes After affecting the skin cells virus can creep along nerve axons and become inactive within nerve cells Later activated by hormone changes stress uv light etc Migrates back to skin and re appearance of blisters sores etc Blisters are very infectious Different Stages of infection Herpes virus Varicella zoster Initial infection with the virus usually during childhood causes chickenpox The virus then moves to a dorsal root ganglion where it remains indefinitely Most person to person HIV infections result from transfer of infected cells that pass through the wall of the vagina urethra mouth or rectal cavity Transferred infected cells release virus that infect cells of the new Infections are through contaminated blood transfusions needles via the placenta during birth and breast feeding infects and kills helper T lymphocytes needed to stimulate both humoral antibody production and the cellular immune responses HAART highly active anti retroviral therapy a combination of drugs that block different steps in HIV infection and release Must be taken every day to extend the life of people infected Few or no symptoms during first weeks after infection HIV test detects the presence of anti HIV antibodies So the test is negative until the infection has resulted in an antibody response Rabies RNA to RNA replication Ohio is the only state with raccoon rabies in the U S that does not have to have a state wide vaccination requirement for dogs and cats Bacteria Single cells divide by binary fission 17 04 2014 09 01 00 Food poisoning attach to villi inside small intestine so CHANGE water retention extreme diarrhea take in lots of liquids and salts to combat this e coli can cause this Chlamydia 18 women infected but MOST don t have symptoms even with no symptoms chlamydial infections can DAMAGE reproductive organs get this through sex most common BACTERIAL std others are gonorrhea and syphilis CERVIX infection that can lead to INFERTILITY causes scarring and when those scars build up you can become infertile in men leads to discharge from penis or burning sensation when you if you have babies it can lead to their eyes being infected because it can be urinate passed from mother to baby causes conjunctivitis eye infection Gonorrhea clap caused by bacterial infection SUPER infectious transmit through sex uterus and fallopian tubes symptoms vaginal discharge burning irritation swollen male genitals can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease if untreated because it ll infect the attacks MUCOUS MEMBRANES of the body incubation period 2 14 days symptoms 4 6 days after infection infection rates 20 men vs 70 women Syphilis bacterial infection where an ULCER occurs at site of initial infection the wart may go away after a week or two BUT the organism enters the entire body and several years later you will have huge outbreaks in your body where the bacteria spread reappears and becomes WAY worse terminal syphilitic dementia organism that doesn t go away affects your brain and causes DEMENTIA NEED TO TREAT THIS with antibiotics Congenital Syphilis caused by syphilis leads to facial distortion baby infected BEFORE its birth inside the womb Plague forms of it the black death bubonic pneumonic and septicemic are THREE bubonic plague infection of LYMPHATIC system from a flea bite rats prairie dogs carry this bacteria 75 mortality rate inflamed lymph nodes most common type of the three forms bubos occur at the site of infection and are huge bumps that swell inflame other symptoms nausea fever joints aching etc Pneumonic plague infects the lungs and causes blood and loss of lung function death Human Microbiome Project tries to identify all microorganisms that INHABIT 15 different locations 5 million microbial genes sequences from EACH site to IDENTIFY microbes present and their ACTIVITIES human microbe has over 1 MILLION genes while humans have 23 000 genes Tampons leakage for hours vagina absorb entire menstrual flow without replacement how its advertised tampon expands to become cup shape inside the vagina so prevents CONCEPT AT TIME THERE S A VAGINAL MICROBIOME Nobody thinks about the fact that there s this thing microbiome that doesn t like being blocked Cdc reports that it increases toxic shock syndrome tampons increases your risk of TSS so you want to NOT keep tampons in place for OVER 8 hours TSS toxic shock syndrome caused by bacteria that are normal inhabitants of human skin and the bacteria is the same that causes STREP THROAT or infections that are FLESH eating disease this bacteria is in normal human microbiomes Tuberculosis caused by bacteria a hard to treat strain of TB in 2007 the government quarantined a man b c he exposed people to 1 3 of the ENTIRE world is infected with TB Bacillus no new anti tb drugs since 1996 not all TB strains will respond to drugs and can be fatal but treating TB depends on detecting it QUICKLY Fungal Diseases ringworm yeast crypto cavers difficult to find antibiotics for kills fungus but NOT human cells superficial
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