16 20 cntd 03 04 2014 08 54 00 Thyroid hormones control metabolism Regulate glucose breakdown and energy availability Increased thyroid hormone increased metabolism decreased Dec metab depressed Too little HYPOTHYROIDISM weight gain slow heart tired Too much HYPERthyroidism weight loss gast heartbeat hyperactive sweat irritable THS thyroid stimulating hormone normally activates thyroid hormone RELEASE by binding to TSH receptor Graves Disease individual makes the ANTIBODY that binds PERMANENTLY to the TSH receptor so it MIMCS the binding and constantly over stimulated thyroid hormone production CHRONIC HYPERTHYROIDISM symptoms occur When you have too much T3T4 An autoimmune disease where your thyroid is ENLARGED and overactive bulging eyes too Adrenal Glands one on top of each kidney There are two different parts of the glands one is the adrenal CORTEX OUTSIDE and the other is the adrenal MEDULLA inside ACTH released by the anterior pituitary stimulates the CORTEX Cortex produces mineralocoritcoids regulates salt balance blood pressure AND glucocorticoids regulates METABOLISM AND INFLAMMATION RESPONSE stress generated nerve impulses FROM HYPOTHAL Stimulates the MEDULLA MEDULLA PRODUCES neurotransmitters spec epinephrine and norepinephrine norep adrenaline short term FLIGHT RESPONSES heart beat increases and glucose level immediately increases thus energizing your muscles EX car crash and you run out and lift the car off the person brains in shock and hyper mode so it sends signals and you get a HUGE rush of adrenaline and energy to do that situations ANABOLIC GROWTH Medicine epinephrine injected as heart muscle stimulant in emergency corticosteriods used to reduce skin inflammation corticosteroids cortisone inject into joints to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis take it as a shot corticosteroids DO NOT HAVE MUSCLE BUILDING EFFECTS LIKE Growth Hormone stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits protein breakdown stimulates decrased glucose uptake and breakdown of fat PRODUCED DURING CHILDHOOD ADOLESENCE B C IT TRIGGERS dwarfism low gh gigantism high gh which can also cause diabetic symptoms b c it changes glucose levels and metabolism After the growth in length of long bones has ended 20 yrs old too much GH acromegaly bone thickening which effects hands feet cheeks jaw and skin thickens around eyes nose lips GH decreasing with age gh is supposed to decrease with age Human Growth Hormone is called anti aging but that s not true you can sell use it to BUILD body mass and strength increase kid s growth HGH testing test measures ratio of natural vs synthetic versions of HGH olympic athletes go through this testing rugby had the 1st athlete financially punished and banned for this major league baseball they have an agreement with their players to RANDOM testing during off season and reasonable cause during NFL implement testing but has NOT yet been implemented World Anti Doping Agency change in ratio of HGH isoforms indicates presence of a synthetic hormone Pancreas blood sugar concentration insulin and glucagon hormones made by PANCREAS in response to insulin works one way and glucagon works the OPPOSITE way hormones released into blood travel around your whole body BUT only function in the cells with receptors FOR THAT HORMONE keeps going around until those receptors in spec spots accept the hormones islets of Langerhans look like islets and are inside the pancreas and contain 1 Alpha cells that secrete glucagon and 2 Beta cells that secrete season do insulin Reciprocals of Insul Glucagon liver and muscles convert glucose to glycogen to store energy insulin binding activates cells to TAKE IN glucose from blood and POLYMERIZE GLUCOSE TO GLYCOGEN gets body to convert it into storage compound take complex carb and break it into glucose net effect DECREASE blood concentration of glucose goes everywhere that accepts insulin glucagon binding stimulates cells to take glycogen glucose And release GLUCOSE INTO THE BLOOD net effect iNCREASE blood s glucose concentration these things happen to try and keep homeostatis a balance constant environment in the body existent too much glucose is converted to fat for storage BUT when eat too little its broken down for energy Diabetes disorders of insulin secretion type 1 autoimmune disease where BETA CELLS are killed by immune system b c PANCREAS doesn t PRODUCE insulin manage blood glucose monitoring insulin shot diet exercise 10 20 PEOPLE type 2 insulin is SYNTHESIZED but fat and muscle target cells do not respond it leads to fat LOSS of glucose uptake and does not remove the sugar it should so Manage life style low fat and low sugar diet drugs that stimulate pancreas to make MORE insulin Risk factors family history no exercise ethnicity 80 90 PEOPLE Circadian Rhythm Biological Clock all humans have this changes in light send a signal from eyes to hypothalamus nerve cells in hypothalamus send signals that REGULATE MELATONIN production which manages metabolism and sleep 7 30 and 21 00 are times when secretion stops then begins stop 7 begin at 21 Melatonin causes drowsiness and lowers body temperature reason for jet lag b c time zone traveling puts activities out of synchrony w melatonin secretion produced by PINEAL GLAND and time regulated by SCN signaling reduce secretion by exposure to bLUE LIGHT less of this in winter so people get seasonal affective disorder aka winter blues astronauts have to take medicine to sleep properly because they are off schedule and light exposure differs 03 04 2014 08 54 00 Sleep followed by rem sleep 4 5 sleep cycles each night of non rapid eye movement NREM 5 sleep cycles 1 Fall asleep 2 Heart rate slows and brain does less 3 Body makes repairs 4 Body temp decreases and bp decreases 5 Move into REM sleep 90 minutes after 1st feel sleepy where hear breating bp teamp eyemovement ALL increase little dreaming in NON rem ALL mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish sleep rem sleep nerutransmitters norepinephrine serotonin suppressed BODY MOVEMENT IS INHIBITED esp during dreaming suppress dreaming through anti depressants Tylenol advil alcohol melanonin encourages dreams so you can survive a predator and not be as vulnerable Sleep is an evolutionary advantage to let body repair and conserve energy Why sleep Dreams most dreams during REM sleep 8 hours of sleep you spent 2 hours dreaming occur in REAL time so last 5 20 minutes a PERCEIVED experience so you re a participant not an observer do make NEW synaptic connections
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