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Anthropology 1000 General Anthropology Lesson 1 Assessment Name Samuel Kai Rebmann Mizzou Online ID 436923 E Mail skrgfc mail missouri edu 35 questions 40 points total A Multiple choice Choose the one best answer 15 questions 1 point each 15 points total 1 What are the four main subfields of the academic discipline of anthropology A holistic medical forensic and linguistic anthropology B sociocultural medical linguistic and historical anthropology C archaeological biological holistic and feministic anthropology D cultural archaeological biological and linguistic anthropology E linguistic medical historical and native anthropology 2 Traditionally what do archaeological anthropologists not study 3 How do children learn cultural traditions growing up in a particular society trash fragments of pottery A B C plant remains asteroids D stone tools E A adaptation invention B C investment D enculturation E development Anthropology 1000 General Anthropology Keycode 2464 Lesson 1 Assessment Page 2 4 Which of the following statements about applied anthropology is not true B A It involves the application of anthropological data perspectives theory and methods that identify assess and solve contemporary social problems It is concerned with the relationships between anthropological knowledge and the uses of the knowledge in the world beyond anthropology It encompasses the use of knowledge and techniques from all four subfields of anthropology that identify assess and solve practical problems D It aims to find humane and effective ways of helping people whom C anthropologists have traditionally studied E None of the above 5 The British anthropologist Edward Tylor said that culture is 6 As an early student of Third World urbanization Robert Redfield focused on the A acquired by a people as members of society B adaptive C symbolic D transmitted genetically E at times stressful contrasts between A the sacred and the profane B urban and suburban communities C urban and rural life D diseases and illnesses E urban and industrial economies A a visible female estrus cycle B opposable thumbs C the ability to make and use tools D color vision and depth perception E significant parental investment in offspring 7 Which of the following is not a trait that we share with some other primates 8 What do anthropologists do in the field of developmental anthropology A carry out other scientists developmental plans B examine the sociocultural dimensions of economic development C develop a culture as they feel it should be D put the developer s needs above the society E None of the above 9 According to the textbook real culture differs from ideal culture because it is A the one best suited to a given environment B what people say they do C symbolic D not subject to bias E what people actually do 10 Which of the following statements best describes ethnocentrism A It is the tendency to view another s culture as superior and to use that culture s values to judge the behavior and beliefs of people in your own culture B Only Western society is ethnocentric C It is the argument that one culture should not be judged by the standards of another Anthropology 1000 General Anthropology Keycode 2464 Lesson 1 Assessment Page 3 D It is the argument that there is one central culture from which justice and E morality is derived It is the tendency to view your own culture as superior and to apply your own culture s values to judge the behavior and beliefs of people in other cultures 11 Which of the following is not a mechanism of cultural change 12 Which of the following factors contributed the most in the spread of AIDS in east A acculturation B globalization C D diffusion E enculturation independent invention Africa A prolonged contact with bonobos B high rates of divorce C cultural colonialism D highways E None of the above 13 What does underdifferentiation refer to A the underuse of cultural resources in a society B not differentiating between what is important and what is not in a society C paying attention to cultural diversity D viewing less developed countries as the same E None of the above Anthropology 1000 General Anthropology Keycode 2464 Lesson 1 Assessment Page 4 14 Which of the following is not a component of culture A rules for appropriate behavior B beliefs C instinct D recipes for action E value content 15 The principle of cultural relativism asserts that A behaviors should be evaluated not by outside standards but in the context of their own culture B only relatives carry and transmit culture to other relatives C behaviors should be evaluated by outside standards D behaviors need to be viewed in terms of the anthropologist s standards E None of the above B Matching terms 8 terms 1 point each 8 points total Match each anthropological field with an associated research topic 16 biological physical anthropologist A hairstyles B gestures and facial expressions C West Nile virus D new planet E F hurricanes G wolf predation large earthen mounds 17 18 linguistic anthropologist cultural anthropologist 19 archaeologist Match each mechanism with the method of cultural change 20 iTunes A acculturation B globalization C stimulus diffusion D invention E revolution 21 pidgin 22 IMF 23 Cherokee syllabary C List and describe the five design features of anthropology 5 items 2 points each 10 points total 24 The use of the comparative method a One of the most important anthropological design features is the use of the comparative method The comparative method states that as an anthropologist one cannot look at a small sample size such as only the people of Africa but rather must take in account the diversity of all of humankind and make comparisons between different cultures in order to draw conclusions about the science of humanity Anthropology 1000 General Anthropology Keycode 2464 Lesson 1 Assessment Page 5 25 Holistic 26 Naturalistic fieldwork b The holistic design feature is when anthropologists try to find and describe connections between every part of human life For example there is a relationship between religion and the economy of a population Lesson 1 Commentary c Naturalistic Fieldwork is the anthropological design feature in which anthropologists study a culture or a certain aspect of a culture in the environment from where said culture or aspect is indigenous to d Due to immense diversity of what helps to define a person such as the actions they take their beliefs feelings and how they are individualized

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