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Mythology test 3 notes 10 07 2013 Heracles The greek heros hero Class of extraordinary humans sometimes decended from a god mortal demigods Most associated with particular cities regions NOT always like modern idea of a hero o Not always models of virtue sacrifice fair play etc Heracles or Herucles different language most popular of all greek heroes Contradictory figure o Man god when he dies he becomes a god o Hero servant o Civilizer brute Attributes gear Huge appetites o Violence o Sex o Wine Weapons and armor o Wood club o Bow o Lionskin Alcmene and Amphitryon Alcmene o Princess promised in marriage to Amphitryon Amphitryon may not marry Alcmene until he avenges the deaths of her brothers While Amphitryon is away at war o Zeus trick Zeus assumes appearance of Amphitryon Makes love to Alcmene Makes their night together 3 times as long The real Amphitryon returns victorious the next night Confusions occurs Alcemene later gives birth to twins o By Zeus Heracles o By Amphitryon Iphicles Zeus and Heracles Zeus prophecy those around him Hera s revenge o the man descended from me who is born today will rule all Hera sends Eileithyia to o Delay the birth of Heracles o Speeds up the birth of Eurystheus Zeus great grandson Thus Eurystheys will fulfill Zeus prophecy not Heracles Hera sends snakes to Heracles cradle o Baby Heracles kills snakes Madness of Heracles Marries Megara o 3 kids Hera drives Heracles temporarily insane o Kills his three children o Kills his wife Megara Delphi says o Atonement servitude to Eurystheus now a powerful king Heracles twelve labors Athiloi contests or labors Assigned by Eurystheus heracles master for 12 years Delphi if successful Heracles will become immortal Occasional parerga side adventure Labor 1 NEMEAN LION Heracles uses the dead lions own claws to flay its skin Wears lionskin from this point on Offspring of Typhoios Skin invulnerable Heracles tracks lion to its cave Wrestles and strangles lion The Lionskin Labor 2 Lernaian Hydra Lives in swamps of Lern 9 headed water serpent o It s blood is poisonous place Needs back up The torches of Iolaus o Helped by nephew Iolaos who brings torches o Iolaos scorches stumps to prevent regeneration Labor 3 Cerynitian Deer Must be brought back alive from Mt Cerynia Sacred to Artmetis tracks it for a year Catches it carries it back to Eurystheus Labor 4 Erymanthian Boar When Heracles kills one Hydra Head two grow back in the same Must be brought back alive from Mt Erymanthos Parergon side adventure Pholos the Centaur o Heracles a guest of Pholos o Opens giant jar of wine owned by all Centaurs o When Opened the scent attracts other Centaurs o Centaurs attack Heracles fights them off Pursues them all over Greece o Centaurs flee to cave of Cheiron o Heracles accidentally shoots Cheiron w poisoned arrows o Cheiron s long life comes to an end o Pholos drops poisoned arrow on his foot dies Heracles returns the boar back to the mountain Labor 5 The cattle of Augeias King Augeias son of Helios Vast herd of cattle stables never cleaned Heracles says he ll clean the stables in one day for 1 10 of Augeias herd Heracles diverts two rivers into the stables cleans them Augeias goes back on promise of cattle Herackles returns after Labors kills Augeias Labor 6 The stymphalian birds Flock near forest on Stymphalian Marsh Flushes them with bronze rattles Shoots them down with his bow Labor 7 Cretan Bull Bull sacred to Poseidon Brings it alive to Eurystheus Then lets it go free in Marathon Labor 8 the mares of Diomedes King Diomedes son of Ares Carnivorous horse Wounds Diomedes feeds him to the horses Heracles tames the horses and takes them back to Eurystheus Labor 9 The war belt of Hippolyte Hippolyte Queen of the Amazons Tribe of Warrior Women Descendants of Ares Maimed and enslaved their male children captives A mazos breastless o Amazons cut off right breast when young Get Friday notes Heracles slave of Omphale Hermes sells Heracles to Omphale queen of the Lydians Heracles domestic slave Afterwaards Heracles returns to Dechella kills What Happened to Deianeria Heracles for years Left behind in Trachis she knows nothing of Iole and hasn t seen LichaA a herald brings news of Iole and Heracles Deianeria anoints a robe with the poisoned blood of Nessus and sends it to Heracles as a gift Heracles puts on the robe Heracles and his son Hyllos sacrificing to Zeus The poisoned robe clings to Heracles flesh Hurls Lichas to his death Hyllos brings Heracles back to Trachis Huge funeral pyre Heracles on the pyre Deianeria kills herself Heracles gives bow to Poias because only he would light the pyre Mortal part of Heracles burns away Achieves immortality Heracles and Hebe goddess of youth on Mt Olympus Theseus Minos son of Zeus Minos seeks the throne Minos marries Pasiphae daughter of Helios sun god 10 07 2013 King of Crete dies and Minos claims right to rule Says gods favor him and he can prove it Prays to Poseidon to send a bull from the sea o will sacrifice it the bull from sea Poseidon sends the bull Minos made king but doesn t sacrifice bull Poseidon grows angry Enter Daidalos Athenian architect o Taught by Athena Nephew Perdix invents the saw A jealous Daidalos throws Perdix off a rooftop Daidalos flees to Crete Pasiphae and the Bull Pasiphae wife of King Minos An angry Poseidon causes Pasiphae to lust after the bull Pasiphae enlists Daidalos to help her Daidalos builds Paiphae a fake cow Pasiphae becomes pregnant from the bull Birth of the Minotaur Pasiphae gives birth to the Minotaur o Minotaur Bull of Minos Daidalos constructs a labyrinth to enclose the Minotaur Heracles and the Bull Heracles 7th labor the Cretan bull Heracles captures bull and takes it to Euystheus Releases it in Marathon Theseus the early years Aigeus king of Athens Aigeus is child ess and answers in Delphi Gets strange advice Stops in Trozen on way home Stays with Pitteus who understands oracle Gets Aigeus drunk and puts him in bed with daughter Aithra Aigeus and Aithra Aigeus tells Aithra to raise their child Aigeus hides sword and sandals under huge rock When boys grows up brings them to Aigeus Aithra gives birth to Theseus son of Aigeus Theseus retrieves Aigeus sword and sandals off to Athens III Labors Corynetes Clubber Attacked travelers with his iron club Theseus takes club away and beats him to death Pityocamptes pine bender Would pull down pine tree and make passersby hold it Flung to their deaths Sceiron and his turtle Lived by clifftop Would make

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