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The 1920 s 1 The Roaring 20s 02 25 2014 a Economic Boom The Economy grew i Reasons for this Economic power competitors were in ruins because of the war ii Time of tremendous productivity time when some Americans had means to purchase new items iii Time of the first Automobile Became available to middle class Americans and some lower class members They use to only be available to the economic elite Henry ford used assembly lines techniques to mass produce parts to make the car much more afford to people Had a huge impact on society and the economy Giving small families and individuals more personal mobility Allowed for economic linkages iv Cameron Morrison Governor of NC in 1920s good roads governor NC became known as the good road state Because of him we had really good highway systems Allowed people to travel from city to city To finance the highways they implemented a gas tax Also Highway patrol v Cooperation s and businesses and learned a lesson from what happened during WWI They begin to hire psychologist and learn how to convince people to buy their products This is the first sign of advertisement The power of selling status sometimes fear vi The radio Not invited in 1920 Commercial radio began broadcasting in the 1920s Created a popular culture Radios were expensive so most families only had one Its the TV and Internet of the 1920s Broadcasted music shows contests sporting events dramas comedies It creates a sense of unity among middle class people because everyone is listening at the same exact time Our generation is fading away from that unity b Popular Culture i Cotton Club Orchestra Music was very geographic but this allowed people to listen to music that wasn t from their region ii Emergence of Movies Moving pictures not invented in the 1920s Theaters were very nice and elaborate Men wore coats and ties and women wore the nicest outfits iii Golden Age of Spectator Sports College football takes off in the South in the 1920s Kenan Stadium opened in 1927 Thousands of people going somewhere to watch 18 22 year olds play a game It took over the news as well iv Golden Age of Baseball Babe Ruth first gigantic sports star in American history He hit home runs like crazy Before Babe Ruth went to the Yankees John Baker was the homerun king The most he ever hit was 20 Ruth s first year with the Yankees was over 50 which is way more than teams could even get combined v Youth Culture and Flappers Way for younger Americans develop their own way of talking dressing the advertisements were directed towards them Everyone is spending lots of time together listening to same music dressing the same way go see the same movies 1 Flappers young single women typically in the city They dressed differently and got different hair cuts They wore makeup This was a huge controversy They went to speakeasy s and smoked This was during prohibitions They talked about sexuality which normally didn t happen a Margaret Sanger wrote about contraception and teach women how to control their own bodies and reproductive system She established the birth control league vi Prohibition vii Return of the KKK Targeted Catholics flappers women who were going against the norm and Jews viii Darwinism on Trial Darwinism is being taught in the schools Evolution seemed to question the way they thought the world was created and what they believed an attack on their beliefs There was questions whether this should be taught in schools or not The scopes monkey trial a teacher taught evolution and it became a huge scandal 2 Critics a Culture Wars i Critics shallow They felt that human existence was becoming hallow They did not approve of advertisements and anything that made the society shallow ii Sinclair Lewis Babbit the main character who was a middleclass business man who was obsessed with fitting in b Fascism and Communism i Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia 1 Stalin takes control over the soviets and the party He becomes a dictator 2 German Economy was a disaster a Adolf Hitler served during war and when war ended he lived in Germany He joined a small party called the NAZI party and became one the leaders Germany needed to return to greatness When Hilter begins to defend himself during the trial of treaty he already knew that he was guilty While in prison he writes a book ii Crash of the 1920s October 1929 when the stock market crashed It started the great depression Terms Flappers Scopes Trial Babe Ruth Henry Ford Cameron Morrison Sinclair Lewis Margaret Sanger 02 25 2014 02 25 2014

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ECU HIST 1051 - The 1920’s

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