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RCRJ 203 Criminology Cynthia Najdowski 2 4 14 Victimology Subfield of criminology Special forces on studying victims of crime the process of victimization and consequences of victimology What are the risk factors for becoming a victim How victimization relates to social groups How victims interact with the criminal justice system Enhance victims privacy protection participation Marcy s law 2008 Victims Rights In NYS Certain kinds of compensation and assistance Notification of judicial proceedings During judicial proceedings Freedom from intimidation Restitution Other general and specific rights Victim impact statement Gives voice to victims and those indirectly affected by crime Detail the harm that was caused Make pre sentencing sentencing and parole recommended actions Arguments for VIS Gives victim rights equality Allows victims narratives to be understood Victims families deserve closure Arguments against VIS It is not the legal systems duty to provide closure Invoke empathy for victims Makes statements about the value of victims Exacerbate bias Distract legal decision makers jurors judges Invoke vengeance toward defendant US Supreme Court Cases Decision based on reason not emotion Booth v Maryland 1987 Evidence about victim and the impact on victim s family is relevant to sentencing Payne v Tennessee 1991 Secondary Victimization Victim is traumatized again through participation in the criminal justice When rights are violated when victim is blamed seriousness of crime is process minimized Vicarious Victimization Trauma makers victim advocates family experience trauma due to other victimization Ex Increased fear or anxiety

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UAlbany CRJ 203 - Victimology

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