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Chapter 15 RECONSTRUCTION Lincoln to Johnson Johnson Southern D picked by Lincoln to show unity among parties Lincoln offers amnesty to seceded states 10 Plan 10 of state s voters needed to take an oath of loyalty and adopt 13th Amendment rejected Johnson loyal to the Union offered amnesty to all states and all terms were met Southerners try to enact Black Codes basically slavery and try to put Confederates back in power Lincoln was different than most Republicans Most Republicans wanted to make life difficult for the South punish them ex Wade Davis Bill required 50 not 10 pocket vetoed by Lincoln Lincoln never enforced the Confiscation Act Any property belonging to a Confederate could be taken by the Union Lincoln s goal was always to preserve the Union but did enact some problems for the South Emancipation Proclamation This would be the end of Lincoln Reconstruction RADICAL RECONSTRUCTION Johnson hated White Male Elitists felt they were responsible for CW and sought to punish them Freedman s Bureau Fed gov t would help bridge the transition of slavery to freedom proposed to offer basic education Civil Rights Act says freed men should be treated as citizens precursor to 14th Amendment Johnson says the Fed Gov t has no power to enact these and cites 10th Amendment VETOES THE FREEDMAN S BUREAU 1865 AND CIVIL RIGHTS ACT BOTH OF WHICH ARE OVERTURNED BY CONGRESS Congress gets rid of CRA and creates 14th Amendment 1868 guarantees equal protection of laws regardless of past servitude race etc Review wording shortly after creates the 15th Amendment Gives blacks the right to vote 14th and 15th Amendment were conditions for readmission of seceded states On paper the country begins to reconstruct but Black Codes basically keeping slavery alive in spirit ex former slaves had to secure working contracts jail bail debt needed to be worked off Blacks were discouraged from voting ex KKK killing voters poll tax around spring literacy tests 1870 White Elitists coming back to power and Union was losing interest economy changing industrialization immigrants etc Congress vs President Congress unhappy with the violent Johnson against his will ratify the 14 make of Congress Republicans Radical Republicans th Amendment and Congress overrides Johnson s veto of the Reconstruction Act Conf states readmitted once black suffrage was granted and all eligible voters were registered under military supervision 5 Districts Johnson impeached but not removed from office Election of 1868 and Women s Suffrage Grant Republican hero 15th Amendment passed along with poll tax and literacy laws NWSA formed and worked toward Women s Suffrage led by Stanton and Anthony Minor v Happersett rules that 14th Amendment does not include Women s Suffrage Lincoln Johnson Reconstruction Plans Vision of Radical Reconstruction supporters Quest for Land Stevens argued that black men had already earned their land while black men were left with nothing despite them being free Wage system gang labor gave minimal wages Sharecropping freedmen worked as renters exchanging labor for use of land house materials Product of the struggles of Reconstruction How was sharecropping disadvantageous Republican Gov t in the South and Black Communities Many black leaders outlawed corporal punishments established hospitals paved streets etc Brought south to date highest achievement was in public education Black organizations like church groups could function openly Desegregation was harder to implement What were black communities priorities after emancipation The Republican Unraveling Northern Pacific Railroad bankruptcy backed by Cooke public credit collapsed depression hit south Corruption was common Revolt within Rep Party Liberal Republican Party believers of free trade smaller gov t and limited voting rights ELECTION OF1876 main issue is Reconstruction Hayes R Tilden D Hayes promises to remove troops from south END OF RECONSTRUCTION Chapter 17 Industrial America at Work Late 1800s Less traditional farmers more migrants to find jobs in Europe US overall prices fall American economic growth due to Expansion west Growing population Integrated national marketplace Rise of the Corporation How the US becomes urban and industrial 1 NA s natural resources Fossil fuels oil coal natural gas became new source of power a Food is abundant and cheap b Ex Bessemer makes iron steel 100 ton to 50 ton 2 Labor Textile Mills were largest a Ex LOWELL MILLS Mostly women lives onsite were there to save get away from home send siblings to school 1840 s Women being replaced by immigrant workers who did not see factory life as temporary Ireland Asia NO IMMIGRANT RESTRICTIONS YET Employers now have abundance of cheap labor and would purposely hire diverse employees so they could not communicate with one another start Unions Wages were so low that CHILDREN NEEDED TO WORK CHEAP LABOR CHEAP WAGES EXPORT ECONOMY 3 Export Sector a Tobacco indigo rice b 1870s new machine produces CIGARETTES i Tobacco industry explodes because cigarettes were EASY CONVIENIENT and ADDICTIVE ii Duke makes fortune off of cigarettes American Tobacco Co Pre CW tobacco cotton After CW US is world s largest creditor because of EXPORT SECTOR and LABOR Senate conducts study and determines the UD needs a better transportation system 9 to ship ton of goods abroad 3000 miles 9 to ship same goods domestically 30 miles HENRY CLAY Proposed that Fed gov t should invest in gravel drainable roads canals which would create jobs Gov t does not fund falls to states responsibilities o Canals owned privately but CLAY is right because it increases domestic market Clay s protective tariffs taxes on imported products would make people inclined to buy from US but it eventually backfires o W o a competitive edge there is no incentive for quality o Other countries may tax America in retaliation o America ends up paying more to produce goods domestically than to get from abroad RR Land Grants After CW gov t gives land grants to RR companies More track more land PROBLEM RR had no incentive for quality laid track for sake of laying track Age of Innovation and Technology Steam technology Fulton has NY monopoly but Vanderbilt comes from NJ to undermine Fulton Vanderbilt eventually owns basically all of RR industry grand Central RR in NY VERTICAL INTEGRATION Uses logistics How can I get goods to people at the right place and the right Buys iron ore mines to make own steel Writes Gospel of Wealth and invest his own wealth in

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