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The theory focuses on the underlying motivations and consequences of what happens when two speakers shift their communication styles Theory Communication Accommodation Theory Author Giles Year 1973 Theory Summary 5 5 Key Terms Accomodation adjusting modifying regulating behavior In Groups group which person feels they belong OUt Groups don t belong Perception attending interpreting message Evaluation judging conversation Norms expectations of behavior Convergence adapt to another s behavior Divergence accentuate differences w o acknowledging individual uniqueness Evaluation Scope Communication style Parsimony The theory is simple to understand Logical Consistency The theory is logically consistent Intergroup over accomodation occurs when speakers place listeners in cultural groups Utility The theory is useful in observing differences in comm styles Test of Time The theory passes the test of time Heurism The theory is heuristic Testability I m not sure how the theory would be tested 5 5 Accommodation theory is tested by recording people s conversations and analyzing what they say to determine how they are converging diverging or overaccomodating

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KSU COMM 25902 - Communication Accommodation Theory

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