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Exam 3 Tuesday 4 15 in class The exam will consist of 25 multiple choice questions 2 pts each 50 pts 15 points short answer 10 points short essays Total 75 points Pay close attention to recommendations regarding research methodology or the pros and cons of various approaches discussed in class This is what you need to know for the exam 4 3 14 Qualitative Methods Be able to describe what is unique about qualitative research Exploratory Inductive Focuses on processes that have been previously unstudied and unanticipated phenomena Keen awareness of the social context much less interested in generalization Focuses on human subjectively getting their perspective Sensitive to the subjectively of the researcher Understand participant observation and the researcher s role Method for gathering data that involves developing sustained relationships with people while they go about their normal activities The researchers role can range from complete observation no relationship to mixed participation observation to complete participation they become part of the research Understand the roles of gatekeepers and key informants Gatekeepers key participants that may control access to other individuals and or settings Key informants insiders who know the culture and are willing to share access insight Know the nine steps to successful field research Have a simple explanation of the project Be yourself Don t interfere Listen actively Write down everything that day so you don t forget Show up at every opportunity Pay attention to everything Protect your sources Its not about you it s about them Understand different qualitative methods intensive interviews and focus groups Intensive interviews o Open ended unstructured can be very long o Active listening o Suspend all judgments o Sample knowledgably people who are open to talking and represent a range or perspectives o Establish rapport o Maintain confidentially Focus groups o Groups of unrelated individuals that are formed by a researcher and led in group discussions of a topic of 1 2 hours o Guided by a researcher but unstructured o Sample people who have time and knowledge and are similar to the target population o 7 10 people is a good size o Conduct several focus groups on the same topic Know what the saturation point means The point at which new interviews or new focus groups yield little additional new information

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OSU HDFS 2900 - Qualitative Methods

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