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Changing Personal Behaviors for Optimal Wellness Striving for improvement in all six wellness dimensions is a lifelong process Concentrate on the most pressing needs first and then strive for balance across the continuum Health Wellness o Used broadly to include everything from environmental health to the health of large populations o Historically has referred to the absence of disease o The highest level of health possible in six different dimensions Physical Fitness o The ability to perform moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without o Achievement of the highest possible level of health undue fatigue The Six Dimensions of Wellness Wellness across six dimensions Physical Social Intellectual Emotional Environmental Spiritual Physical Wellness Physical wellness encompasses all aspects of a sound body including o Body size shape o Sensory responsiveness o Body functioning o Strength flexibility and endurance o Disease resistance o Ability to recuperate Fitness is an aspect of physical wellness Social Intellectual and Emotional Wellness Social Wellness o Being able to have satisfying interpersonal relationships and maintain social connectedness Intellectual Wellness o Being able to think clearly reason objectively analyze and use your intelligence effectively to solve problems and meet challenges Emotional Wellness o Being able to control your emotions and express them appropriately at the right times Environmental Wellness o Cultivating an appreciation for the environment and your role in preserving protecting and improving it includes having access to a safe and healthy workplace Spiritual Wellness o Experiencing a deep sense of purpose meaning or value from personal beliefs may include religion belief in a supreme being and or a feeling of unity with others and with nature Related Dimensions of Wellness Occupational Wellness o A level of happiness and fulfillment in work including harmony with personal goals appreciation from bosses and co workers and a safe workplace Financial Wellness o The ability to balance and manage financial needs and wants with income debts savings and investments Why Does Wellness Matter Good wellness habits can help you live a longer happier life o More years overall o More healthy years Good wellness habits benefit society as a whole o A population that is more productive and spends less on health care o A population with less risk from chronic and catastrophic diseases Leading Causes of Death Among Americans Ages 20 24 Among Americans Overall Health Benefits of Physical Activity Obesity 68 and 34 Six Stages of Behavior Change Precontemplation o No intention of changing yet unaware of or in denial about a problem Contemplation o Recognizes there may be a problem and starts to see a need for change Preparation o Starts to focus on what can be done and on developing a plan o Executes a plan publicly states a desire to change enlists help and sets realistic Action goals Maintenance o Works to prevent relapse and continue with gains o In this stage after completing six months or more without relapsing into old habits Termination o New behavior is ingrained and ongoing How Can You Change Your Behavior Step One Understand the Stages of Behavior Change Step Two Increase Your Awareness Stay physically fit Eat healthy foods Manage your weight Manage stress Avoid smoking drugs and alcohol Prevent accidents injuries and diseases Step Three Contemplate Change Examine your current habits and patterns Assess your current beliefs and attitudes Assess your motivation Target a behavior for change Step Four Prepare for Change Observe role models Anticipate and overcome barriers to change Make a commitment Set realistic goals and objectives Step Five Take Action to Change Visualize yourself engaging in the new behavior Control your environment so that you don t encounter people or situations that tend to trigger your unwanted behavior Change your self talk that is the way you think and talk to yourself For example replace thoughts of failure with positive reminders that the desired change is within your control Learn to counter that is to substitute a desired behavior for an undesirable one For instance chew a piece of sugarless gum instead of smoking a cigarette Practice shaping that is making a series of small changes that slowly progress Reward yourself for successes for example by scheduling an enjoyable activity or purchasing a gift for you Use writing as a wellness tool Journaling or writing personal experiences interpretations and results in a journal or notebook is an important skill for behavior change Chapter 2 The Three Primary Levels of Physical Activity 1 Physical fitness o The ability to perform moderate to vigorous levels of activity without undue fatigue o Measured in MET levels metabolic equivalents o METS are grouped into three activity categories Lifestyle light 3 METS Moderate 3 to 6 METS Vigorous 6 METS 1 MET 3 5 mLO2 kg min 2 Physical activity o Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in an expenditure of energy 3 Exercise o Planned or structured physical activity done to achieve and maintain fitness The Five Health Related Components of Fitness Cardiorespiratory Endurance o Ability of your cardiovascular and respiratory systems to provide oxygen to working muscles Muscular Strength o Ability of your muscles to exert force Muscular Endurance o Ability of your muscles to contract repeatedly over time Flexibility o Ability to move your joints in a full range of motion Body Composition o The relative amounts of fat and lean tissue in your body The Six Skill Related Components of Physical Fitness Agility o Ability to change position of body with skill and accuracy Balance o Being able to maintain equilibrium while you are stationary or moving Coordination o Using your senses and body to preform motor tasks smoothly and accurately Power o Ability to perform work with high force quickly Speed o Ability to perform a movement within a short period of time Reaction Time o Time between a stimulus and initiation response to that stimulus The Principles of Fitness Overload Principle o In order to see gains in fitness the amount of training should exceed what your body is used to o Training effect and adaptation o Dose response Consistent overloads will bring about adaptation or changes as a result of training The amount your body adapts to new levels of training is related to the amount of overload or dose o Diminished returns

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LSU KIN 2504 - Changing Personal Behaviors

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