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Bluebeards 384 403 1 Sulasa and Sattuka The Jakata Tales beautiful woman called Sulasa whose price was 1000 pieces a night there was also a robber named Sattuka who was as strong as an elephant who entered rich men s houses at night and steal one day he was captured Sulasa was at her window when soldiers led him towards execution she fell in love with him and gave the constable 1000 pieces to free him they lived happily for a few months but the robber couldn t stay in one place so he decided to kill her for her belongings which were worth 1000 pieces one day he told her he made an offering to a tree god on a mountain top who was now threatening because he hadn t paid it he said she should come with him to make an offering and wear all her ornaments they got to the mountain top he revealed his true intentions she begged him to let her be his slave instead got on her knees and praised him on all sides then when she was behind him threw him over the cliff and he died 2 The Brahman Girl That Married a Tiger India there was an old brahman who had 3 sons and a daughter the girl was youngest and brought up tenderly whenever she saw a boy she told her parents she must be wedded to him near their village was a fierce tiger who could change shape he was eating in a restaurant and heard about the girl he turned himself into a teacher the girl went to the river to bathe saw him and fell in love with him he was invited to have meals with them they married the two they had feasts for a month the tiger wanted to eat the girl so he told the Brahman he would take her to his mother and she would take care of her the Brahman agreed the family asked the tiger to let the girl stop and eat or drink whenever she needed to he agreed on their way she saw a pond and wanted to stop he said to be quiet or he would show her his original form they saw another pond and he replied the same way she was very hungry and unhappy so she told him to show her his original shape he turned into a tiger and told her when they got home she would be the mistress and prepare all his meals or he would kill her he left her at home and came back with many pumpkins and flesh and she made a curry then vegetables and flesh and he told her she must make food out of whatever he brought home she had a baby tiger then one day the tiger was out in the woods and she was alone crying a crow came and she asked it to help her she got a leaf and wrote with an iron nail about her suffering and requested her brothers come save her she tied the leaf to the crow s neck the crow took the note to the brothers they asked their mother for rice for their journey she didn t have enough to give them so she covered a ball of clay with rice they saw a donkey the youngest wanted to take it with him the other brothers objected but finally let him take it with him then they saw an ant which the middle brother took with him then they saw a big palmyra tree on the ground eldest brother took it they were hungry realized the ball was clay and were disappointed and drank all the water from the lake and continued when leaving they found a large iron tub belonging to a washerman the girl was delighted to see her brothers she hid them in the loft while the tiger was gone the tiger came home and asked if there was anyone in the house she said no the brothers got scared and were loud tiger heard them and asked what the noise was she said it was her brothers who wanted to see him after he ate he asked to see them youngest brother put the ant in the donkey s ear and it started crying tiger asked how her brothers had such a hoarse voice he then asked them to show their legs the eldest brother stretched out the tree he then asked to see their bellies second brother showed the tub the tiger ran away she tore her child into pieces and put it in the fire she bolted the door and left the tiger came home and mistook the sound the hissing fire for muffins being made he decided to go take the muffins he went in the back door and saw that his son was dead he turned himself into a young man to go seek vengeance and went to his wife s house they saw his transformation and planned to kill him they asked him to take an oil bath before dinner and had him sit down on a mat over a well which fell in and so did he be quiet or I shall show you my original shape 3 The Tiger s Bride India one day a woman went to cut thatching grass she cut so much that it was too heavy for her to carry she yelled for help nobody came she said she would give her daughter s hand in marriage to whoever would help her a tiger came and helped her she promised him her daughter the couple got married the unhappy bride went with him to his home they came to a cave he told her to cook a feast and left her alone to go invite his friends to dinner she killed a cat and hung it over the fire tiger came back and told her to hurry up with the cooking of the cakes he was tired of waiting and went in to see she was gone his friends were angry and beat him until he ran away 4 Your Hen Is in the Mountain Norway old widow who lived with her 3 daughters next to a mountain she was so poor her only animal was a hen one day the hen was gone she sent her oldest daughter to go find it someone said the hen is in the mountain she went into a cave to see who it was fell through a trap door went through many rooms at last saw an ugly troll who asked her to be his sweetheart she said no the troll twisted her head off and threw her head and body into the cellar same occurred with the middle sister youngest sister went she saw her sisters dead bodies troll asked her to be his sweetheart she agreed he got her the finest clothes she was sad one day troll asked her why she wanted to take her mother food the troll took a sack of food and gold to her mother for her and she did not allow him to look inside one …

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