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Resignation 310 323 1 Cat and Mouse in Partnership Grimms cat and mouse wanted to live together as partners they prepared for winter by buying a pot of fat and placed it under the altar in the church until they would need it one day the cat wanted it and asked the mouse if it would be okay for him to go carry his cousin s new child to his baptism mouse said okay cat went to the church and ate the top off the fat and did not come home until evening mouse asked what they named the child the cat said top off next time he said he had become godfather of yet another child and he left him home with the housework and ate half the fat he told the mouse they named it half gone next time he went and ate all the fat child named all gone winter came they went to get the fat it was gone mouse realized what had happened cat ate her 2 The Lion s Share Aesop lion went hunting with a fox jackal and wolf hunted until they came across a stag and took its life question of how it should be divided lion said to cut it into 4 parts and claimed all of it moral you may share the labors of the great but you will not share the rewards 3 The Lion the Fox and the Donkey Aesop lion fox and donkey went hunting together they took a large prize lion said to divide it between them donkey cut it into 3 equal parts and asked the others to take their choice lion sprang on him and tore him to shreds then told the fox to divide it again the fox cut himself only a tiny piece lion asked him how he got so good at dividing fox said he learned from the donkey moral happy is he who learns from the misfortunes of others 4 The Wolf and the Lamb Aesop wolf was drinking from a spring on the hill looked up saw a lamb beginning to drink lower down he wanted to eat it asked the lamb how dare he muddle the water from which I am drinking the lamb said that was wrong because if the water was muddy at the top it wasn t from her because it runs downhill he then asked why she called him bad names the year before she said this was wrong because she was only 6 months old he said it must have been her father and ate her moral any excuse will serve a tyrant Masters and Servants 5 The Elephant and His Keeper India elephant was accustomed to suffer cruel treatment from his keeper keeper slept near where the elephant was tied up elephant took a long branch chewed the end dragged the man within reach and trampled him to death 6 How the Man Taught the Tiger to Fly India Assam tiger and man met on the road as they were chatting a hornbill flew by tiger said he wished he could fly man said he made the hornbill and he could help him tiger asked if he could make him wings man agreed told him to stretch out on a board and stay that way all day he came back and the tiger said he was sore the man tied him tighter and said that is how you make wing bones told him not to cry or the charm wouldn t work and drove a stake in his body to make a tail said he would come back in 3 days but flies and maggots devoured the tiger 7 The Cruel Merchant India merchant who was cruel to his servants agreed to employ people if he could cut their nose off if they disobeyed him one of the servants was a poor farmer who had to become a servant because his crops failed if anyone had a chance in continuing in the merchant s service it was him but he also failed he was upset about something and spoke angrily so the merchant cut off his nose the farmer s brother grieved to see him without a nose and wanted to avenge him so he applied to work for the merchant the merchant gave him the same conditions and the man said he must too abide by those conditions the man agreed both men were careful about their words for a while one day the merchant ordered the servant to go dress his son quickly the man did so pulling him to make him run and the boy did not like the treatment so he yelled he pretended to think he meant make the boy move quickly while you dress him rather than dress the boy quickly to make the master angry he almost succeeded another time the merchant and all his family went to stay somewhere for a festival he left the house in charge of the servant and told him to keep an extra eye on the doors and windows he decided to go to the festival too so he took the windows and doors with him and buried the furniture in a pit the master saw him at the festival and got angry that he interpreted it the wrong way hit him in the face and then the man cut off the merchant s nose 8 Till Eulenspiegel Germany TE came to Braunschweig where he presented himself as a traveling baker and was taken in by a master baker the master told him to work late in the evening by himself TE asked what he wanted him to bake the master got angry and said sarcastically do bakers make owls and monkeys TE made owl and monkey shaped bread the master got angry and made him pay for the dough he did but then kept the bread and sold it on the street for more than the price of normal bread and rolls master baker tried to get him to pay for the wood he burned in baking them too but TE had already went to the next town TE came to Ascherleben in the winter he found a furrier who was willing to take an apprentice he was put to work sewing pelts he wasn t used to the smell of the curing hides said they smelled bad the furrier asked why he was a furrier s apprentice if he didn t like the smell the man farted and the furrier told him to go outside the man said it is healthier than the pelts man dismissed him he then went to Berlin and became a Swabian furrier s apprentice the Swabian factory was in disarray because he liked to drink more than work owner asked him if he could make wolves meaning wolf skin coats he said yes and cut the wolf skin apart and sewed them into the shape of a wolf the owner threatened to have him arrested and he fired him TE fell ill called for a priest to hear his confession fearing he might die he filled a pot with muck and a …

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