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ANTHRO 173 MIDTERM 1 STUDY GUIDE 9 Crossing over 7 Behavioral ecology 8 Coefficient of relatedness 3 Adaptive 4 Altruism sibling child nephew Need to save 4 nephews to occurs when a heterozygous varied combination of alleles genes the study concerned with the ecological function of animal behavior versions of a gene eye color can be dominant recessive or co dominant domestication picking traits that humans find desirable if a species has traits that do well in a particular environment ecological or greater reproductive success in a particular environment a behavior that has fitness cost to the individual exhibiting the behavior and a TERMS 1 Artificial selection 2 Adaptation social those traits will be selected for and this species will become adapted to that environment fitness benefit to the recipient of the behavior Self sacrificing behavior It decreases an individual s ability to produce offspring but helps others produce offspring 5 Allele 6 Balancing selection is positively favored even though a homozygous genes in the pair are the same combination is disfavored in its evolution survival and adaption pass on full amount of your gene the exchange of sections of chromosomes between one chromosome and another Thus after meiosis the egg and sperm do not receive just a random mixture of complete paternal and maternal chromosomes Because of crossing over they also receive chromosomes in which some of the sections may have been replaced 10 Cline 11 Chromosome 12 Directional selection over time toward the adaptive trait 13 Direct fitness 14 Diploid 15 DNA rungs are bases Adenine with Thymine Guanine with Cytosine the trait that shows and gets produced always expressed never masked inherited change change in genes in a population but acting on phenotypes that are a poor expression of the genotype means that genes that are not expressed can be inherited Changes and current forms explainable by natural events Does not require belief and can be tested by the scientific method rather than sudden change or revolution Mendel s particulate inheritance deoxyribonucleic acid enormous molecule Double helix or twisted ladder where genetic makeup DNA blueprint to develop whole organism the particles in the variation in gene frequency from one end of the region to the other end pace of evolution punctuated equilibrium a policy of gradual reform a trait seems to be positively favored and the average value shifts two copies of a particular gene one from each parent within the nucleus of every one of the organism s cell only worrying about saving yourself selfish gene 16 Dominant trait 17 Evolution 18 Gradualism 19 Genotype DNA sequences that code for something like a protein to make something like sex cells such as eggs and sperm are haploid and they contain half the genes when population is small genes drift apart because only 21 Gamete 20 Gene hemoglobin or regulatory gene of the parent survivors pass on their genes 22 Genetic drift Wright Effect Ex people on a small island occurs when a small group of organisms recently derived from a Founder effect larger population migrates to an isolated location If the gene is absent in the migrant group descendants are also likely to lack the gene 23 Gene flow 24 Genetic recombination the process of forming new allelic combination in offspring by an explanation of observed results same alleles different alleles they have only one copy of a gene bacteria moss indirect fitness adaptive and selective Kin selection isolation fails to occur big population a lot of reproduction traits stay similar and genes are passed Not big difference across populations around the globe exchanges between genetic materials as exchange of DNA sequences between DNA molecules 25 Group selection 26 Homozygous 27 Heterozygous 28 Haploid 29 Hypothesis 30 Hybridization important source of new variation by a member or members of the same species 33 Indirect fitness passed on 34 Inclusive fitness carry your genes genes have been spread throughout family in order to pass off your traits using calls to save kin have enough kin to know your genes will get make decisions that benefit you directly while protecting kin that 31 Individual selection 32 Infanticide core of survival of the fittest direct fitness the creation of a viable offspring from two different species may be an self sacrificing behavior Protecting others knowing that enough of your the practice of intentionally causing the death of an infant of a given species 35 Kin selection Ex black tailed prairie dogs perform a behavior called alarm calling this call alerts other prairie dogs to run to mounds and scan for threat is a place on a chromosome for a gene 36 Locus 37 Maladaptive 38 Mitosis traits decline in frequency or even disappear eventually each chromosome doubles and puts identical halves into each new cell Duplicates itself these are not identical Then the two copies separate into two cells to make a haploid cell each chromosome doubles but then matched pairs separate into two cells 39 Meiosis a change in the DNA sequence which produces an altered gene evolution It is the main process that increases the frequency of combining genetics and evolution driving force of natural selection 40 Modern synthesis 41 Mutation 42 Natural selection adaptive traits through time Depends on variation within a population Based on variation of offspring variety of individuals heritability offspring inherit all traits from parents differential reproductive success not all offspring will survive survival of the fittest 43 Normalizing selection removes the extremes what an individual looks behaves like Interactions of genes and environment during growth and development heat determines sex size and food sex maturity and age weight environmental effects Difference from the observable appearance observable behaviors Cues what we often observe measure the average value does not change but natural selection 45 Proximate function 44 Phenotype Ex Women wear sluttier clothes when ovulating speciation event occurs so natural selection gets sped up the trait that gets dominated can be masked by another only expressed more than two copies of a gene 46 Punctuated equilibrium 47 Polyploid 48 Recessive trait when 2 copies are present 49 Reciprocal altruism an exchange of fitness benefits that are separated in time Monkeys more likely to groom other individuals that have groomed them in the past and vampire bats donate blood meals to non kin that have

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