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Food Labels Food label requirements o Common name of the product o Name and address of products manufacturer or distributor o Net contents in weight measure or count o Ingredient list in descending order by weight o Nutrition Facts NLEA o Nutrition labeling and educating act of 1990 o Replaced the first acted implemented in 1976 o Significant changes to the law Mandatory labeling Mandatory standard serving size Make label content more consistent with current nutrition Require cholesterol sat fatty acid content dietary fiber concerns calories from fat Flavors and colors declared specifically Define low fat etc o Sought considerable consumer input o Reflects a change in philosophy Old label o Serving size o Servings per container o Calories per serving o Protein content o Carbohydrate content o Lipid content o Percentage of US RDA for key nutrients o 573 823 7724 Old required nutrients o Vitamin A o Vitamin C o Thiamin o Riboflavin o Niacin o Calcium o Iron Old label o No health claims allowed o Sodium cholesterol and or saturated fat were allowed only with the following statement Info on cholesterol sat fat or sodium content is provided for individuals who on the advice of a physician are monitoring their dietary intake of Food labeling reform o FDA called for public comments and held public hearings on the following Nutritional label content Label format Ingredient labeling Food descriptors Health messages Label fatty acid Cholesterol Fiber content Comments o Widespread support for mandatory labeling o Want readable format Define low fat high fiber etc o Education to explain changes Serving size o Defined by law o May differ in single serving container FDA established definitions o Free contains no amount or a very small amount of the following components fat sat fat cholesterol sodium sugars calories o High Contains 20 or more of the daily value of a particular nutrient in a serving o Good contains 10 19 of daily value of a nutrient o Healthy low in fat and sat fat contain limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium must contain at least 10 of one or more vitamins A or C iron calcium protein fiber Simple health claims o Calcium prevents osteoporosis o Dietary lipids causes cancer o Sodium causes hypertension o Fiber prevents cancer o Fiber soluble prevents coronary heart disease o

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OSU FDSCTE 2200 - Food Labels

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