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Biotechnology Biotechnology the transformation of information from one organism into another to add a trait into the organism or produce large quantities of a valuable protein Applications insecticides o Agricultural animal breeding seed quality fertilizers pesticides o Environmental waste management pollution o Food production altering the nutrient content of foods decreasing allergenic potential improving the efficiency of the food production system o Health care develop medicines Genetic engineering o Transfer of genetic material from one organism to another for replication and expression exchange genetic information among diverse organisms allows a single gene to be changed Traditional random mixture of many genes Monsantos largest biotech company definition of genetically modified organisms GMOs plants or animals that have had their genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs Steps required for biotechnology o Isolate get a sample of the genetic material for synthesis of a particular protein o Remove it from the rest of the DNA restrict enzymes o Insert into plasmid bacteria o Identify which bacteria have the plasmid carrying that info gene o Insert it into another organism animal or plant so it makes the Restriction enzymes bacterial enzymes that cut DNA at very specific base protein of interest sequences

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OSU FDSCTE 2200 - Biotechnology

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