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Kines 1223 Unit 4 Muscular System Nervous System Lecture 1 What is the only way a muscle can cause movement Match the role of the muscle 1 3 with the function a c 1 2 3 Agonist Antagonist Synergist a b c Primarily responsible for causing movement Assist prime mover Oppose prime mover What is a neutralizer True or false Movement roles depend on specific muscles involved What is a lever What are types of force 1 2 True or false Moment arm is the parallel distance from the fulcrum to the force Torque x True or false When holding an object of a certain weight the resistance stays the same through the range of motion True or false When holding an object of a certain weight the torque stays the same through the range of motion What are the types of muscle contractions 1 a b Develop tension c Change length a Muscle tension compare to resistance torque b Develop tension c Change length a Muscle tension compare to resistance torque b Develop tension c Change length 2 3 2 3 What are the classes of levers 1 a Structure b Advantage c Located in body a Structure b Advantage c Located in body a Structure True or false Eccentric contractions are most efficient and may produce the greatest force b Advantage c Located in body What is a muscle twitch What are the phases of muscle twitch 1 2 3 What causes variation in the degree of muscle contraction 1 2 Treppe Wave summation Tetanus Tonus What are the structural differences between smooth and skeletal muscle 1 2 3 4 5 6 What are the stages of smooth muscle contraction 1 2 3 4 True or false Skeletal muscle is more energy efficient than smooth muscle What is the advantage of the stretch relaxation response True or false Smooth muscle generates large amount of tension even when greatly stretched or contracted Match smooth or skeletal muscle 1 2 with the type of neurotransmitter a b 1 2 Neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle Neurotransmitter for smooth muscle a b Inhibitory Excitatory What regulates skeletal muscle contractions What regulates smooth muscle contractions Lecture 2 What are the types of smooth muscle 1 a Structure i ii 2 b Location c More or less common d Require stimulation a Structure b Location c More or less common Match the direction of the nervous system 1 2 with the function a b 1 2 Afferent Efferent Away from central nervous system motor information information from brain or Toward central nervous system sensory information information to brain or d Require stimulation What is rhythmicity What is the nervous system spinal cord to glands or muscles a b spinal cord What are the functions of the nervous system 1 2 3 What are divisions of the nervous system 1 2 What are types of functional nervous system cells 1 Supporting cells a b a b c i ii iii iv 2 Conducting cells conduct impulses to transmit information unable to reproduce What is structure of the neuron 1 Cell body amitotic a a b i ii iii iv v vi vii Processes 2 a b Myelin Nodes of Ranvier Myelination of PNS 1 2 Myelination of CNA 1 a b White Grey Match presence of myelin 1 2 with color a b 1 2 Myelinated Unmyelinated What are the structural classes of neurons 1 2 3 What are the functional classes of neurons 1 2 3 What are the sheaths that surround nerves 1 2 3 Endoneurium Perineurium Epineurium Lecture 3 Neuron regeneration in PNS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Usually successful or unsuccessful Neuron regeneration in CNS 1 2 3 4 Usually successful or unsuccessful Propagation transmission on information 1 2 3 4 2 How is resting membrane potential maintained 1 2 Depolarization Hyperpolarization What causes depolarization and hyperpolarization Local graded potentials Action potential What are the stages of the Hodgkin cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Repolarization What are the refractory periods of action potentials 1 What does speed of conduction or propagation depend on 1 2 What are the types of fibers 1 Type A a Speed b Size c Myelinated d Function Type B a Speed b Size c Myelinated d Function Type C a Speed b Size c Myelinated d Function What is a synapse Axodendritic Axosomatic Axoaxonic 2 3 2 2 What are structural types of synapses 1 What are functional types of synapses 1 What are neurotransmitters What are categories of neurotransmitters 1 2 a b 3 4 5 6 What is the propagation of impulses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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