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Kines 1223 Unit 2 Lecture 5 Integumentary system skin structure subcutaneous tissue accessory organs of skin What is the hypodermis Skin structure Dermis Structure Function Layers 1 2 What causes stretch marks What causes fingerprints Epidermis Structure Cells 1 2 3 4 5 Layers 1 2 3 Are newer skin cells produced closer to the superficial layers of the epidermis or the deep layers of the dermis Do all races have the same number of melanocytes What causes different skin colors 4 5 What is hemoglobin What is carotene What is melanin Melanin Color Located Produced by Special characteristic What is albinism What are freckles and moles Carotene Color Located Special characteristic Hemoglobin Color Location What accessory organs are associated with the skin 1 2 3 What is a characteristic of all mammals Hair Function Protect against sunlight protect airborne particles from entering eyes and up per respiratory tract prevent heat loss Structure 1 2 3 4 Layers of shaft and root 1 2 3 Hair cycle Number of cycles Stages 1 Anagen stage 2 Catagen stage 3 Telogen stage What is alopecia What is hirsutism What causes pattern baldness What pigments affect hair color Dark hair Blonde hair Red hair Gray hair What is the arrector pili muscle Nails Function Structure 1 2 3 4 5 6 Glands Types 1 Sebaceous or oil glands Structure Function Location Secretion 2 Sudoriferous or sweat glands Structure Location Types 1 2 Where does heat induced sweating begin Where does emotionally induced sweating begin What are ceruninous glands

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TEMPLE KINS 1223 - Unit 2 Lecture 5

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