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11 15 13 Humanities Professor Rubey St Augustine I Roman society mixture of Christian and Pagan beliefs A Hellenistic Egyptian portraits placed at foot of bed to capture youth mummies 1 More realistic art in Rome than idealistic Greek art 2 Eyes focused on viewer a Painted over dead faces and bodies artistic conquest over physical body mortality 1 Mummy painting ended 3rd or 4th century b c of growth of Christianity and high expense B Climax of Christian s life was no longer martyrdom but confession conversion C Augustine used direct observation rather than introspection scientifically and salvation inclined 1 Pelagianism declared heresy after he died 2 Pelagias didn t believe in original sin II The Nature of God Bk3 7 A Augustine distinguishes between youth and bishop 1 Declares what he didn t know as a youth 2 How and when does he find the truth Question drives narrative 3 Declares weakness of will despite devotion a Reading the Platonists set out to find truth as incorporeal but I was too weak to enjoy you B None of this is contained in the Platonists books 1 Picking what he likes from the Platonists 2 I didn t read in them that the Word was made flesh and came to dwell among us 3 How can materialism explain the power of God C Augustine points out what Plantonists can t explain Incarnation 1 2 Salvation of sinners 3 Who is to set us free from a nature thus doomed to death Nothing else than the grace of God though Jesus Christ our Lord None of this is contained in the Platonists books 4 Read scripture before Platonists D Disappointed the first time he read the scriptures Bk 4 1 Too classical too inelegant 2 3 Needed these passages explained figuratively Book 5 I wish it was more like Cicero a Taught people how to understand scriptures b Meant to be understood for its hidden spiritual meaning 1 Ambrose reads silently to himself not aloud 2 Not a literalist E Christ as the good shepherd 1 Jonah and the Whale a Old Testament story as a figural precursor to New Testament b Jonah has 3 days and 3 nights in the whale Jesus had 3 days and 3 nights in earth of resurrection 1 Christians interpreted it as a prediction of crucifixion and 1 swarm of bees and honey in carcass of lion 2 Out of lion s death comes sweetness 3 For humans out of death comes sweetness of afterlife 1 Abraham becomes figural for God and Isaac becomes a God is forgiving but sacrifices his son for salvation resurrection c Sampson and the Lion d Abraham and Isaac figural for Christ e Raising of Lazarus Jesus for Christians 1 Swaddled like mummy but expressing hope of resurrection a Egyptians showed hope of eternal life in mummies 2 Christ s power over death III Lust and Pride A Augustine may have wanted to describe God as incorporeal B Book 7 Augustine writes about Platonists as a Bishop 1 Man s highest place is with God a Describes his own attachment to the world lust which keeps him from God 1 Embarrassment in public baths 2 Carthage as flesh pit or cauldron of flesh or something 3 Mistress and bastard child 4 Desire for fame and wealth 2 Lawfulness of the light love and marriage conjugal embraces a Rejects notion that resurrection brings both men and women back in male bodies b Describes sexual perversion as disease IV Book 8 The Conversion of Augustine A Light flooded into heart and dispelled darkness B After conversion Augustine returns to Africa 1 Mother dies Monica C Suggests that converted can hear God s true voice 1 Touch the eternal wisdom which abides over all things a He and his mother shared this 2 Augustine s vision of eternity w God 3 Says that Bible is a work of fiction created to speak the truth that cannot V The Death of Monica be otherwise expressed A embrace the heavenly penis B the eternal dick C sublime peen VI Catacombs A Mosaic ceiling emblem of wealth and power B Makes the ceiling look like stars and heavens C Place the wealth beyond the grave to salvation of their souls D 8 D E F I have to peniss

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