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STUDY GUIDE FINAL EXAM Spring 2011 1 Know what a conditioned stimulus and response an unconditioned stimulus and response and a neutral stimulus are Reference Pavlov Skinner conditioned stimulus bell the unconditioned stimulus food the conditioned response salivation the unconditioned response salivation neutral stimulus bell 2 Know what a positive and negative correlation is Be able to identify Positive correlation relationship in which high levels of one variable correspond to high levels of another Ex The relationship between reading achievement and mathematics achievement Negative correlation relationship in which high levels of one variable correspond to low levels of another Ex Days absent and grades No correlation or uncorrelated variables variables for which there is no relationship between levels of one compared to another 3 What is Operant Conditioning What is Classical Conditioning Operant conditioning Involves behavior that is selected by its consequences the consequences of behavior produces changes in the future likelihood of behavior o Relation between Behavior and its consequence Classical Conditioning The typical procedure for inducing classical conditioning involves presentations of a neutral stimulus along with a stimulus of some significance the unconditional stimulus 4 What is the Premack principle and why is it important to education states that reinforcing activities can be used to increase participation in less reinforcing activities If you complete the assignment the entire class will get to play outside know as grandma s rule 5 Know the different types of reinforcement and the different types of punishment i e both positive and negative Know how to identify positive reinforcement Behaviors that result in contact with pleasant or preferred experiences negative reinforcement Behaviors that lead to avoidance of or escape from unpleasant or non preferred experiences positive punishment Behaviors that result in unpleasant or non preferred experiences negative punishment Behaviors that lead to loss cessation or reduction of pleasant or preferred experiences 6 Know the different types of reinforcement schedules e g fixed ratio etc Fixed interval reinforcement reinforcement schedule which desired behavior is rewarded following a constant amount of time Fixed ratio reinforcement reinforcement schedule in which desired behavior is rewarded following a fixed number of behaviors 7 Study the different types of play related to child development 1 Solitary Play occurs alone often with toys and is independent of what other children 2 Parallel Play children engage in the same activity side by side but with very little are doing interaction or mutual influence 3 Associative Play much like parallel play but with increased levels of interaction in the form of sharing turn taking and general interest in what others are doing 4 Cooperative Play children join together to achieve a common goal 8 What is evidence based practice in education and how is it used involves complex and conscientious decision making which is based not only on the available evidence but also on patient characteristics situations and preferences It recognizes that care is individualized and ever changing and involves uncertainties and probabilities 9 Know the various types of experimental designs and the differences between them Know how experiments are constructed and why Laboratory Experiments experiment in which conditions are highly controlled Randomized Field Experiments experiment conducted under realistic conditions in which individuals are assigned by chance to receive different practical treatments or programs Single case Experiments experiment that studies a treatments effect on one person or one group by contrasting behavior before during and after application of the treatment Children are randomly assigned and everything other than the treatment itself is kept the same 10 Know Piaget s developmental stages and the characteristics of each What do the various characteristics mean 1 Sensorimotor Stage 0 2 years The infant constructs an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions progressing from reflexive instinctual action at birth to the beginning of symbolic thought toward end of the stage 2 Preoperational Stage 2 7 years The child begins to represent the world with words and images These words and images reflect increased symbolic thinking and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action 3 Concrete Operational Stage 7 11 years The child can now reason logically about concrete events and classify objects into different sets 4 Formal Operational Stage 11 15 years The adolescent reasons in more abstract idealistic and logical ways 11 What is assimilation Accommodation Conservation Object Constancy Assimilation incorporation of new material from the environment into a schema Accommodation changing the schema to better fit the environment Conservation the concept that certain properties of an object remain the same regardless of changes in other properties Object Constancy Maintaining a lasting relationship with a specific object or rejecting any substitute for such an object 12 Why does Piaget say knowledge comes from action Development depends on children s experiences as they interact with the environment 13 Vygotsky s theories are important Know the various components of them Private speech children s self talk which guides their thinking and action eventually internalized as silent inner speech The zone of proximal development level of development immediately above a person s present level Scaffolding support of learning and problem solving might include clues reminders encouragement breaking the problem down into steps providing examples or anything else that allows the student to grow in independence as a learner Cooperative learning students working together to help one another learn 14 What are the Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding What are their implications Zone of Proximal Development The distance between what one can do independently and what one can do with guidance o the developmental level immediately above the child s present level Scaffolding An instructional method in which support is given the students early on in the learning process o Support is gradually decreased as the child becomes independent 15 What is Kohlberg known for put forth theories of moral development and he did it my posing moral

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