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Test 1 Being A good consumer How can you tell the good research information from the bad Knowledge of research methods enables you to ask the appropriate questions so that you can assess information So research methods skills apply not only to research studies but also to much of the other information you encounter in your daily life decide to save your time and money for training in therapies and techniques that are backed up by empirical evidence Training in research methods should motivate you to ask questions about this and other therapeutic techniques that you encounter Theory Data Cycle collect data to change or update theories ask a question based on a prior theory ask questions related to this theory question led to predictions which you test by data collection Good Theory best ones are falsifiable supported by data and parsimonious large quantity and a variety of evidence falsifiable chance that there theory will not be supported parsimonious simplest reason Occam s razor The Word Prove no such thing as proving a theory you can support or consist with always modifying and finding new things Basic Applied Research Cycle basic and applied research inspire one another translational research is a dynamic bridge from basic to applied research Peer Review Cycle anonymous they ensure that the articles that are published in scientific journals contain novel well done studies If the peer review process works research with major flaws does not get published And even if the work is acceptable peer reviewers point out minor flaws so that the author can correct them before the journal publishes the paper scientists submits manuscripts editors look for flaws and sends back scientist fixes flaws and resends process continues till close to know flaws then editor publishes Journal to Journalism cycle journalists share part of research with the public news internet ect news could summarize scientific research is the story important or accurate Potential Biases intuition easy way thinking what we want we think our intuition is a good source but there is a lot of biases in that easy way means that some information is easier to believe than others believing the good story remembering memorable events over everyday ones present present bias is when we do not think about what was absent rather we only think of what was present pop up principle availibility beuristic things that come easy to mind control or thinking thinking what we want do not want to let go of your prior beliefs cherry pick or info only taking what goes with our opinion ask questions that give you desirable answers confirmation hypothesis testing we are overconfident in our opinions Figure 2 5 Concept Map beliefs are based on experience authority intuition or research for experience there is no comparison group and has confounds intuition thinks easy way or what we want authority can be there experience intuition or anything research can be scientific sources or other like psych journals scientific is empirical articles and review articles P37 Empirical Journal Article abstract summary intro theory and topic background info specific questions goals hypothesis method how research was conducted participants materials procedure apparatus results relevant tables data quality results statistical analysis discussion summarize questions and methods and how well results support hypothesis reference list bibliographic listing Three Claims frequency particular rate or level of one variable always measured not manipulated association one variable associated with another one changes other changing can predict from strong associations causal one variable is responsible for changing the other uses words like causes affects promotes reduces enhances prevents ect can have tentative words like may could seem but its still causal 3 criteria they are correlated causal comes first no other explanation exists Correlation know the different types Table 3 3 The Four Big Validities Construct validity how well the variable being studied are measured external validity degree to which the results of the study generalize to a larger population statistical validity how well a study minimizes the probabilities of two errors false alarm where they think there is an effect and there is none miss when they think there is no effect and there is type 2 internal validity in a relationship between one variable A and another B the degree to where A rather than a random C variable is responsible for A construct and external important for frequency claims Rules of Establishing Causation covariance as A changes B changes Temporal Precedence A comes first before B Internal Validity there are no other alternative options for the change in B except A Tuskegee Syphilus Study 1932 400 black men had syphilis and 200 did not wanted to study untreated effects of syphilis thought they were getting medical care but were being lied to studied them till they died 40 yr experiment gave them unnecessary painful spinal taps withheld medical information Ethical issues men were harmed not treated respectfully and target disadvantaged social group Belmont Report 1967 respect for persons informed consent some people need special protections like children pregnant woman and prisoners benefice protect subjects well being and make sure no harm justice fair balance of participants The Milgrim Studies 1960s study on obedience authority punish learner for questions they get wrong learners is in pain but participants keep increasing shock voltage 65 participants went to 450 volts learner was a confederate but that was withheld from participants ethically wrong APA guidelines Ethical Principles of Psychologists and code of conduct benefice fidelity and responsibility trust integrity honesty justice respects for persons comply with IRB board Animal Care Guidelines three Rs replacement find alternates to animals when necessary refinement change experiment to reduce or eliminate animal distress reduction require fewest animal subjects as possible has diet setting and others in the IACUC guidelines General APA style report sections from before Title intro ect Citing Sources in APA style A65 66 authors last name and date of publication use signal phrase or parenthesis period goes outside the parenthesis use for two last names if quoting directly add page number 2 authors need all cite first time then just first author and et al full documentation in reference list A66 67 Journal with one author

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