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replication plus extension a replication study in which researchers replicate the original study but add variables to test additional questions scientific literature a series of related studies conducted by various researchers that have tested replicable inferential statistics direct replication conceptual replication meta analysis file drawer problem external validity ecological validity theory testing mode generalization mode cultural psychology WEIRD field setting experimental realism pertaining to a study whose results are obtained again when the study is repeated them variables a set of techniques that uses chance and probability to help researchers make decisions about what their data mean an what inferences that can make from or exact replication a replication study in which researchers repeat the original study as closely as possible to see whether the original effect shows up in the newly collected data a replication study in which researchers examine the same research question the same concepts but use different procedures for operationalizing the similar variables the same a way of mathematically averaging the results of all the studies that have tested the idea that studies finding null effects are less likely to be published than studies finding significant results a measured how well the results of a study generalize to or represent individuals or contexts besides those in the study itself a mundane realism the extent to which the tasks and manipulations of a study are similar to real world contexts the testing of association claims or causal claims to investigate support for a theory settings the intent of researchers to generalize the findings from the samples and procedures in their study to other populations or contexts a sub discipline of psychology concerned with how cultural settings shape a persons thoughts feelings and behavior and how there in turn shape cultural WEIRD Western educated industrialized rich and democratic Henrich Heine Norenzayan 2010 And WEIRD samples are not very representative of the world s people a real world setting for a research the extent to which a laboratory experiment is designed so that participants experience authentic emotes motivations and behaviors

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