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Mind Consciousness and Alternate States PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Spring 2014 SUNY at Buffalo Mind Consciousness and Alternate States What sets apart the activities of your mind that are conscious and those that are not What control if any do we have over our own consciousness 1 Mind Consciousness and Alternate States Conscious thoughts Consciousness includes things such as Mind Consciousness and Alternate States Consciousness aids survival by helping to 2 Nonconscious Processes The Subconcious 3 Preconscious Memories Preconscious memories Attention 4 Attention What do we know about attention Attention What do we know about attention continued 5 Attention What do we know about attention continued Attention What do we know about attention cont d 6 Attention What do we know about attention continued Unattended Information 7 Selective Attention Selective Attention Cocktail party phenomenon 8 Sleep Sleep 9 Sleep Cycle Sleep Cycle Awake and mentally alert Drowsy or relaxed 10 Sleep Cycle Sleep Stage 1 Sleep Cycle Sleep Stage 1 cont d Hypnagogic images Hypnic jerk 11 Sleep Cycle Sleep Stage 2 Sleep Cycle Sleep Stages 3 and 4 12 Sleep Cycle Sleep Rapid eye movement R E M Dreams Analyzing dreams Latent content Manifest content 13 Sleep Across the Human Life Span Sleep and Productivity Winding electric coils for Hawthorne Electric 1926 14 Sleep Disorders Insomnia Sleep Disorders Narcolepsy 15 Sleep Disorders Sleep apnea Sleep Disorders Somnambulism 16 Existentialism Metacognition Existentialism Existentialism is a philosophy of 17 Mind Altering Drugs Psychoactive drugs Drugs Tolerance Tolerance Could indicate one or more things 18 Drugs Dependence Physiological dependence Common symptoms Drugs Dependence Psychological dependence Common symptoms 19 Drugs Dependence Both physiological and psychological dependence as well as the withdrawal effects associated with cessation of use occur as Both types of dependence are thought to occur as a result of Drugs Addiction Addiction is 20 Drugs Addiction Addiction continued Psychoactive Drugs Opiates Psychomotor stimulants Hallucinogens Depressants Cannabinoids 21 Psychoactive Drugs Opiates Common types Psychoactive Drugs Opiates continued 22 Psychoactive Drugs Opiates continued More on heroin Psychoactive Drugs Opiates continued More on heroin 23 Psychoactive Drugs Psychomotor stimulants Common types Psychoactive Drugs Psychomotor stimulants continued 24 Psychoactive Drugs Psychomotor stimulants continued More on cocaine Psychoactive Drugs Psychomotor stimulants continued More on cocaine 25 Psychoactive Drugs Psychoactive Drugs Psychomotor stimulants continued More on nicotine CAR ACCIDENTS ALCOHOL HEROIN COCAINE AIDS SUICIDE HOMICIDE 26 Psychoactive Drugs Hallucinogens Common types Psychoactive Drugs Hallucinogens More on LSD acid 27 Psychoactive Drugs Depressants Common types Psychoactive Drugs Depressants cont d 28 Psychoactive Drugs Cannabinoids Common types Video DUI marijuana CNN 5m 29

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