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Unit 2 Test Review 38 MC 12 T F Audience Focused Speaking Ethos Pathos Logos Example for questions and chose which one applies Cultural Variables all of them Attitudes Values and Beliefs Demographic level of diversity the most difficult aspect od audience diversity how individuals of audience will respond to them speaker and to their message Demographics know what it means Hosphas dimensions Listening Types of listening critical active passive Diff between hearing listening and active listening Approx 50 is listening compared to other forms of communication Pinpoint concentration know what it is First obstacles to listening Ear technique acronym Do speakers talk faster than our brains are able to process NO false Effective use of visual aids Good to leave lights on during ppt or prezzi NO false What do blank slides do Take eyes off screen helping to connect with audience Visual aids should What is a stupid slide Ex good morning slide shown in ppt Serif and sans serif font no more than one of each per visual aid Min size font for ppt 24 Know characteristics of visual aids Understand why you would use one bullet at a time animation Time frame presenting using visual aids viewer should be able to absorb info in no more than 6 seconds Should visual aids be elaborate NO it takes away from speaker false Good idea to use upper and lowercase font B key makes screen black Phrases sentences Know what disadvantages there are for handouts Are growth needs basic human needs NO Researching and Supporting Your Message Gathering evidence for speakers Personal experiences Library resources The internet Subject heading know definition Boolean operators know definition and or not book Key words Index list Abstract Database pool of info Reliable sources Domain gov government net commercial com commercial C I T E Primary and Secondary sources book Recording info from internet book Statistics Isolated example Fact value and policy claims Examples why speaking to Expert opinion Description

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UCF SPC 1608 - Unit 2 Test Review

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