Psychology Midterm Part Two 1 When someone with low intelligence overestimates their intellectual capacity it is 3 The assumption today that people who claim intelligence has a genetic 4 If a correlation between SAT and IQ drops because you only look at the scores from the smartest students you then have a problem with a The double curse of incompetence 2 The Flynn effect is completely understood called a False component are socially biased is called the a Association fallacy a Restriction in range 5 Intelligence seems to be controlled by a Genetic and environmental causes a Public internet access 7 All Statements are true 6 Which of the following has NOT been proposed as a reason for the Flynn effect a There are more males in the higher end of the IQ bell curve b There are more males in the lower end of the IQ bell curve c Female IQ scores tend to be less variable than male IQ scores 8 The concept of multiple intelligences involves the concept of 9 The name given to the knowledge of our own knowledge is a Frames of mind a Metacognition 10 Which of the following is not part of the diagnosis of mental retardation a Poor academic learning 11 With respect to IQ scores which is greater a Within group variability 12 The capacity to develop the one best solution to a problem is called a Convergent thinking 13 The person who created the mental age concept was 14 The tendency to predict results better in one group than in another is referred to a Stern as a Test bias a Galton 15 Who coined the term eugenics 16 Which of the following is NOT part of Gardner s set of eight multiple intelligence 17 The capacity to use your knowledge for the good of society 18 Intelligence is a that serves to help manage a large group of processes 19 One important aspect of a test s validity is it s a Predictive validity 20 Children who attend more schooling do NOT show any improvement in IQ 21 Which of the following would constitute a family study of intelligence a Measuring the similarity in intelligence between siblings first cousins and 22 The results of intelligence testing today are understood quite differently than they 23 The Triarchic model of intelligence has how many main components 24 Repeatedly taking an IQ test will improve your score on that test 25 Overall the long term effects of early intervention programs on intelligence e g Head Start have shown a Little value in producing long term changes in IQ 26 Which of the following terms is related to Freud s concept that you can distinguish model a Sensory a Wisdom a Construct second cousins were one century ago a False a True a 3 a True fantasy from reality a Reality principle 27 Which personality theory is the following scenario based upon Jose is miserable because he sells old used cars while otherwise trying to live a very eco friendly lifestyle a Phenomenological approach 28 Which of the following scales is NOT part of the Three Factor Solution to personality a Conscientiousness neurosis 29 The personality coefficient refers to individuals a Their biological parents a The poor correlation between traits and behaviors 30 Statistically an adopted child is more likely similar to which of the following 31 During this Freudian stage a person learns to love others and perform valuable 32 Progressing through this Freudian stage poorly can make you a sloppy person work for the community a Genital Stage who frequently offends other a Anal Stage 33 In Freudian theory which aspect of the mind refers to what you are not thinking about but can bring into attention at will a Preconscious 34 Which of the following terms is related to Freud s concept of reducing tension a Pleasure Principle 35 Accepting a person only under certain circumstances is called a Conditional positive regard 36 This theory suggests personality develops due to environmental stimulation 37 A person is in this Freudian stage if they are neat and meticulous 38 What theorist was responsible for developing the concepts of the a Social learning approach a Anal retentive fixation phenomenological approach a Rogers system of the parents is called a Introjection 39 The Freudian concept in which a person accepts and identifies with the value 41 In this Freudian stage a female child wishes to have male genitals because they 40 Accepting a person for who they are is called a Unconditional positive regard are associated with greater societal success a Penis envy development of the superego a Latency stage 42 During this Freudian stage the child exerts more personal control due to the 43 This Freudian concept suggests a person will place their unacceptable feelings onto another person and act as if is the other person who has those unacceptable feelings 44 This Freudian concept suggests that one may block memories from entering into a Projection their consciousness a Repression 45 Almost anything a person does is assumed to be tied to the following trait a Cardinal trait a Trait approach a True 46 This theory suggests personality develops due to basic biological factors 47 Birth order has an influence on personality develop 48 Which of the following is NOT a delusion of persecution a Believing that space aliens are sending messages into your brain 49 The DM is essentially 50 Mania includes a A description of all known mental disorders 51 Which of the following is NOT part of the reasons for developing an anxiety 52 Schizophrenia occurs in about of the world s population a Over excitement b Extreme activity c Easy distractibility d Unrealistically high self esteem disorder a Conformity a 1 2 53 Subtypes of schizophrenia a Paranoid b Catatonic c Disorganized d Undifferentiated 54 Which of the following terms refers to the exaggeration of normal thought processes which create symptoms of schizophrenia a Positive schizophrenia symptoms 55 Anxiety disorders are more prevalent in females than males 56 What was used as a way to rid the body of evil spirits a True a Burning at the stake b Beatings c Exorcism 57 What were the delusions of grandeur a Believing that you are the U S president b Believing that you are Satan c Believing that you are Emperor Zoltar 58 Which of the following is a classification of schizophrenic symptoms a Positive Schizophrenia symptoms 59 Other than genes which of the following do researchers believe is the second necessary condition for the development of schizophrenia 60 Which of the following is the name for the language disorder associated with a Life stress schizophrenia a
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