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Introduction to Advertising What is Advertising 09 06 2012 Paid form of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to reach broad audiences in order to connect an identified sponsor with buyers target audience provide information about products goods services ideas and interpret the product features in terms of customer s needs and wants Identification identifies a product and or the store where it s sold Information provides information about a product Persuasion persuades people to buy things Hype graphics and language characterized by exaggeration or hyperbole Marketing Communication Marcom Image personality that goes beyond straightforward product features transforms a product into a distinctive brand appear in a variety of media Umbrella term that refers to all forms of communication about a brand that feature or a new produce OR communication with employees and shareholders about brands and Publicity or Public Relations provide information about some new campaigns Direct response advertising catalogs and flyers sent to home or office provide more information in more depth than traditional ads Specialties carry brand logos as reminders or incentives to buy The more people know about a product the higher the sales and the higher the level of Economic and Societal Roles sales the cheaper the product Advertising creates economic impact Rational view advertising seen as vehicle for helping consumers assess value through price use and other information such as quality location and reputation Emotional view images and psychological appeals influence consumer decisions mirrors fashion and design trends and adds to our aesthetic sense o o o o o o Practices and Concepts o o o o o o o o Early Age of Print 1700s more informational no art director but just illustrators Objective to identify products and deliver information about them including where they were being sold Early Age of Agencies mid 1800 s agencies started to charge commission became a professional service firms still informative married art director and copywriter Salesmanship in print driven by a reason why stating an ad claim and explaining support behind it Scientific Era 1900 s using statistics and analytical tools to get information Adopted Targeting messages should be directed at a particular groups of prospective buyers Brand name concept as a strategy to associate a unique identity with a particular product as well as the concept of status appeal to persuade non wealthy people to imitate habits scientific research of rich people Positioning carving out a unique spot in people s minds for the brand Radio advertising and TV commercials Creative Revolution 1960 s emotional sell dismissing reliance on science Leo Burnett Chicago School of Advertising Inherent drama believed in finding the inherent dram in every product Cultural archetypes believed in using cultural archetypes to create mythical characters who represented American values Jolly Green Giant Tony the Tiger Marlboro Man Ogilvy Ogilvy Mather Agency Created brands with symbols Hathaway Man Roll Royce Pepperidge Farm Guinness Doyle Dane Bernbach DDB Agency Focuses on feelings and emotions advertising is the art or persuasion Era of Accountability and Integration 1990 s to present what are the benefits from my investments measuring results fueled by digital media and recession Advertisers demanded proof that their ad was truly effective in accomplishing its objectives as stated in the strategy Social Responsibility National Advertising Review Board created to monitor questions of taste and social responsibility Digital era and Business ethics digital era brought instantaneous means of communication breading word of mouth among a social network of consumers companies became even more concerned about their practices and reputation Types of Advertising Brand Advertising setting a positioning identity and personality brand narrative might include logo Focuses on the development of a long term brand identity and image Retail or Local Advertising informational e g sales promotions but still on brand Focuses on stimulating store traffic and creating a distinctive image for the retailer Direct Response Advertising one to one communication addresses specific target audience e g e mails permission marketing Tries to stimulate an immediate response by Business to Business or Trade Advertising target audience are professionals that costumer to seller provide for company Corporate or Institutional Advertising establishes their credibility to investors seniors of company gets involved packaging corporation Focuses on establishing a corporate identity or winning the public over the organization s point of view Nonprofit Advertising Pro Bono a good cause no charge and make friendly rates for media not profitable but rewarding Used by not for profit organizations such as charities foundations associations hospitals orchestras museums and religious institutions to reach customers members and volunteers Public Service Advertising or Announcements trying to a behavioral change national stages for agencies no or slight fee Provides messages on behalf of a good cause Campaign set of related ads that are variations on a theme Advertising s Key Components Strategy Account manager Objectives and goals target audience logic behind advertisement learning analysis research what problem do you wish to solve Objectives Logic behind ad advertisement is stated in objectives that focuses on areas such as sales news psychological appeals emotions position and differentiation of the product from competition segmenting and targeting best prospects branding and brand reputation Message Creative based on strategy how do you express the solution to problem Consumer insights concept behind a message and how that message is expressed is based on research and consumer insights with an emphasis on creativity and artistry Media Channels where advertising shows up appropriate placing for target audience print outdoor signs and posters broadcast radio and T and digital media Target audience targeting ads to prospective buyers is done by matching their profiles to media audiences space in media Advertising agency compensation was originally based on the cost of buying time or o o o o o o o o o o o o o Evaluation Accountability measurability cycles back to strategy is it effective Effectiveness means meeting objectives and in order to determine if that has happened there must be testing

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