Intelligence Reflects the ability to understand the world To learn from experience To acquire knowledge To adapt to new situations solve problems Intelligence cannot be measured directly must infer Interest started in the early 1900s Nature vs Nurture Single vs Many traits Are tests culturally biased Are they misused Spearman s Theory 1927 Cattel Horn 1963 1997 Intell 2 major dimensions 1 Fluid intelligence 1 G factor 2 S factors ability to reason and solve problems aka general intelligence ability to excel in certain areas aka specific intelligences a Ability to problem solve see relationships reason abstractly 2 Crystallized intelligence a Accumulated knowledge verbal skills strategies b School info more culturally based Theories of Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner s Nine Frames of Mind Felt traditional IQ too narrow Proposes 9 types We all have varying degrees of each Like Spearman but NO g Criticized for taking talents as intelligence Too much to measure Found that some people are great mediocre or poor at all of them bring back Spearman s G Gardner s 9 Frames of Mind 1 Verbal skills 2 Logical Mathematical skills 3 Spatial skills 4 Bodily Kinesthetic skills 5 Musical skills 6 Intrapersonal skills 7 Interpersonal skills 8 Naturalist skills 9 Existentialist Sterberg s Triarchic Theory Analytical Ability to break problems into parts to solve traditional Combine ideas in new ways to solve problems Creative Practical Social skills and common sense Traditional IQ is too narrow Most tasks require a combo of all 3 Current thoughts our best guess Everyone is partially right Multiple studies Cant deny g Cant deny other clusters of meaningful skills Example emotional intelligence creativity math verbal problem solving etc Understanding IQ Scores IQ Intelligence Quotient A score that indicates how well you did on that particular intelligence test compared to others your age Does it intelligence NO IQ How is it Measured Test people of different ages on questions assumed to tap intelligence Raw scores right converted to IQ scores using formulas IQ tells you How well you did for your age 100 average 100 above average 100 below average How is it Measured Best known and most widely used Stanford Binet Intelligence Test Wechsler Series of Intelligence Tests WPPSI WISC WAIS Good Tests Are 1 Reliable gives same results over time consistent 2 Valid measures what you want meaningful accurate
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