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Chapter 2 The Brain and Behavior 9 6 12 2 53 PM What is the nervous The body s electrochemical communication system Not alive without it What is a electrochemical communication system It is a system that uses electricity as well as chemical What is behavioral Neuroscience Is the study of how the nervous system affects and controls behavior What do Behavior Neuroscientists do Four Key characteristics of the nervous system Complexity Over 100 billion nerve cells And each one talks to 10 000 friends and each one of those friends talks to 10 000 friends and so on and so on and so on Integration is yours senses of reality This creates your next moment in time This is creating a unified experience Electrochemical Transmission Communication from nerve cell to nerve cell Are both Electrical Impulses and Chemical Messages Communication from one nerve cell to the next Important for communication Adaptability The nervous system is adaptable Plasticity The brain has a special capacity to change and adapt as we experience new things or encounter injuries Once we get older we keep the same neuron and they can be damaged Organization of the Nervous System Two main divisions of the nervous system are the central and the peripheral system Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Define o Sympathetic activated when you are scared o Parasympathetic is when you feel calm Heart rate slow blood rushes to the abdomen Somatic Nervous System this is all your sense that carry the information to the muscle to function The Brain Three Major Divisions Hind Brain Stem controlled our motor functions o Medulla transition between brain and spinal cord In charge of critical body functions You need it for your sensory information o Cerebellum it s a mini brain on the back of the brain It is in charge of movement and how we have our balance Coordinates your movements o Pons contains information on sleep In charge of arousal and sleep The ability to swallow gag throw up Regulate when you sleep when you wake up partially Midbrain Center these had to do with vision o Tectum and Tegmentum Visual reflexes o Reticular Formation in charge of arousal Forebrain Petals o The Limbic system emotions and memory In charge of how you feel And recording the memories and your behavior of how you feel Amygdala processes most of your emotions Good at making you feel anxious and fearful Hippocampus Think learning and memory Helps you take information and store it and turn it into a memory And stores things that have meaning Hypothalamus in charge of making your body act appropriate to a feeling In charge of regulating your functions Anything that requires regulation o Thalamus all sensory info is routed to it It s like a train station And then is sent to the appropriate area o Basal Ganglia group of structures that are in charge of movement o Cerebral Cortex largest structure in your brain Takes up of your brain Brain in wrinkly so you can compact your neurons Right Hemisphere Spatial Locations Process Faces Art Music Creativity Whole units Left Hemisphere Logic Mathematics Verbal Skills Conscious awareness Four Lobe s in the Cerebral Cortex The Corpus Callosum connects hemispheres Contralateral Organization opposite side o Frontal Lobe Motor Cortex o Temporal Lobe Prefrontal Cortex o Parietal Lobe o Occipital Lobe CT scan Computerized Tomography x rays Takes a lot of x Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI takes an image that has great resolution It uses a huge magnet Paints a picture from the Imaging the Brain rays atoms fMRI Neurons Whats a cell What does a neuron look like What are dendrites What is an axon What are Terminal Buttons What are the four parts of the neurons What is Neural Impulse What are the seven Neurotransmitters Endogenous chemicals Chemicals that your body makes Acetylcholine ACh o Involved in movement learning and memory and sleep Necessary for movement Black widow spider bites cause acetylcholine Bochelinum toxin Botox acetylcholine gets blocked and you die Potent Poison Dart Frogs if touched block Ach and you will die Nicotine activates ACh in the brain and stimulates you Myasthenia gravis Degeneration of neurons that release Ach onto the muscles Alzheimer s disease Dopamine o Involved in movement attention short term memory planning and reward Motor cortex of your brain Amphetamines gives energy focus and good feeling Addictive Cocaine enhanced dopamine in brain Feel focused and crazy increased alertness Addictive Meth Amphetamine causes the enhancement of dopamine Addictive Parkinson s disease generation of dopamine producing neurons in the midbrain substantia nigra Serotonin 5 HT o Involved in mood sleep and eating dreaming behavior Antidepressants work by blocking reuptake MDMA Ecstasy helps elevate serotonin levels Norepinephrine NE Amino Acids o Involved in attention and arousal Put brain on high alert o Glutamate neurons fire o GABA neurons stop firing o Alcohol Blocks Glutamate and enhances GABA Endorphins o Involved in pain inhibition and pleasure bodies natural morphin Opiates Heroine Morphine Codine Psychopharmacology o All drugs have multiple effects Target Effect desired effect of drug Side Effects all other effects How do we measure the effects of drugs Dose effect curves plotting the effectiveness of the drug What are the consequens of repeated use Tolerance diminished effect of drug effects Physical Dependence the body has undergone a physical change to compensate the addition of a drug Withdraweal ssset of symtoms that occur when tha drug is removed Psychological dependence

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