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Functional Perspective on group decision making 3 10 14 Big T theory and practical Any group can be successful if they fulfill communication functions follow 4 steps Dewey s Reflective Thinking Model A longer functional process with a group reflection step after each decision in the four steps are made 1 Analyze problem 2 Reflect 3 Establish criteria 4 Reflect 5 6 Reflect 7 Apply criteria to solutions and implement solution Identify solutions 1 Problem Analysis Analyzing the problem a small group is tasked with solving Ex What are the factors contributing to the problem When did the problem begin Who is responsible Who is affecting and affected by the problem 2 Goal Setting Criteria Selecting which criteria is most important in a proposed solution Ex quality timeliness work involved manpower involved solves the biggest number of problems creative technology focused 3 Identification of Alternatives Green Lighting solutions no wrong answer or brainstorming ideas to solve a problem Ex To solve hunger eat at a restaurant cook food beg on the streets chew gum ignore it drink water go to grocery store eat gas station pizza find beef jerky ramen noodles 4 Evaluation of and characteristics Applying the criteria from step 2 to the solutions from step 3 to judge the pros and cons of each solution and find out which one is best according to mutually agreed upon criteria

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KSU COMM 25902 - Functional Perspective

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