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Chapter 56 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template Fill in this outline in lecture then use your textbook to add to it Notes from just the lecture are not enough to do well in this class Biological Communities Species Living Together 1 Define Community 2 What two things are communities characterized by List and define these two things a b a b a 3 Interactions among members govern many ecological and evolutionary processes These interactions include 4 Use Figure 56 2 and 56 3 to understand the following In communities species respond independently to changing environmental conditions b Community composition changes gradually across landscapes c Sometimes the abundance of species in a community changes geographically in a synchronous pattern d Ecotones places where the environment changes abruptly The Ecological Niche Concept 5 What unique animal was used in lecture to introduce niche a Aye aye 6 Define ecological niche a All the ways an organism uses the resources of its environment i Space utilization ii Food consumption iii Temperature range iv Appropriate conditions for mating v Requirements for moisture and more 7 A niche can be described in terms of 8 Three types of interactions prevent species from occupying their entire niche What are they and provide an example of each a Interspecific competition Occurs when two species attempt to use the same resource and there is not enough resource to satisfy both Interference competition Physical direct interactions over access to resources b c Exploitative competition Consuming the same resources 9 Define compare and contrast fundamental and realized niches i Entire niche that a species is capable of using i Actual set of environmental conditions the species can establish a stable c Explain how competition between species can limit niches by interpreting and a Fundamental niche b Realized niche population summarizing Fig 56 4 Chapter 56 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template d What are other causes of niche restriction i Presence of predator ii Absence of pollinators iii Presences of herbivores 10 Explain the principle of competitive exclusion Be able to interpret graphs in Fig 56 5 a If two species are competing for a limited resource the species that uses the resource more efficiently will eventually eliminate the other locally b Classic experiment using three Paramecium species shows this principle in action 11 Competition can lead to resource partitioning Summarize 56 6 a Resource partitioning among lizard species living in the same area Predator Prey Relationships 12 Define Predation a Consuming of one organism by another 13 Explain how predation influences prey populations i Strongly influences prey populations b Prey populations can have explosions and crashes c Predation and coevolution i Predation provides strong selective pressures ii Features that decrease the probability of capture are strongly favored iii Coevolution race may ensue 14 Plants adapt to predation herbivory by evolving mechanisms to defend themselves Explain a The chemical defenses of plants secondary compounds b The coevolutionary responses of herbivores so they can continue to eat the plants 15 Animals have defenses adaptations against predators Explain a The chemical defenses of animals puking poison Fig 56 11 b Defense coloration Fig 56 12 Be sure to define cryptic coloration in your explanation i ii Others use camouflage or cryptic coloration Insects and other animals that are poisonous use warning coloration 16 Mimicry allows one species to capitalize on defensive strategies of another Fig 56 13 a Define Batesian mimicry i mimics look like distasteful species b Define Mullerian mimicry i several unrelated but poisonous species come to resemble one another Species Interactions Fig 56 15 20 17 Define and provide examples of symbiosis Fig 56 15 Also summarize the introduction video played in lecture a 2 or more kinds of organisims interact in more or less permanent relationships b Potential for coevolution 18 What are the three types of symbiosis 19 Explain mutualism by summarizing several examples of this interaction a Mutualism benefits both species i Coevolution flowering plants and insects Chapter 56 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template 20 Explain commensalism by summarizing several examples of this interaction a Commensalism benefits one species and its neutral to the other 21 Explain parasitism by summarizing several examples of this interaction a Differentiate between internal and external parasites include examples b Parasitiam benefits one species at the expense of another i External parasites or ectoparasites ii Internal parasites 1 Endoparasites vs ectoparasites 2 Extreme specialization by the parasite 3 Many parasites have complex life cycles involving more than one host 22 Skip section in the book Ecological processes have interactive effects pg 1199 1200 23 Define and provide several examples of keystone species a Species whose effects on the composition of communities are greater than one might expect based on their abundance b Beavers construct dams and transform flowing streams into ponds creating new habitats for many plants and animals 24 Explain how keystone species have majors effects on communities a 1872 park established and wolves part of the Yellowstone Ecosystem b 1914 26 Federal government deliberately killed all wolves in National Park boundaries c 1978 No known wolf packs in YNP d 1994 Wolf restoration begins e 1996 60 wolves introduced 25 Outcomes of Re Introduction a Coyote population declined 39 b Over 25 species were impacted c Wolves have boosted biodiversity i Fewer elk and coyotes and more eagles pronghorns foxes and wolverines d Ecology of Fear presence of wolves deter elk from browsing in aspen stands e Less foraging near water leads to increased plant biomass better floodplain and stream bank functioning reduced soil erosion f Food web improves for beavers river otters fish birds amphibians and insects g Biodiversity increases and leads to more changes 56 5 Succession disturbance and Species Richness SKIP

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SDSU BIOL 151 - Chapter 56 Lecture and Reading Note-taking Template

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