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Chapter 4 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template Fill in this outline in lecture then use your textbook to add to it Notes from just the lecture are not enough to do well in this class Red blood cells concave on both sides carries oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body More surface area to help bond with oxygen White blood cells larger cells helps defend body against viruses Cardiac muscle vs Skeletal muscle vs Smooth muscle 1 Cell Theory Chapter 1 a So far in Biology 151 how where have you heard of the cell theory b All organisms are composed of cells c Cells are the smallest living things d Cells arise only from pre existing cells e All cells today represent a continuous line of descent from the first living cells 2 Why are cells limited in size Most cells are relatively small due reliance on diffusion of substances in and out of cells 3 What are the 4 factors that influence the rate of diffusion in cells Surface area available a b Temperature c d Distance Concentration gradient 4 As a cell s size increases what happens to its volume in comparison to its surface area As the surface higher to volume ratio increases the faster more efficient way a cell moves 5 Be familiar with Fig 4 2 various cell sizes and organelles in relation to each other 6 Microscopes Not many are visible to the naked eye Resolution minimum distance two points that can be distinguished as two separate point Objects must be 100um apart for naked eye to resolve 7 All cells share 4 basic structural characteristics What are they a Nucleoid or nucleus region b c d Plasma membrane made of phospholipid bilayer Cytoplasm Ribosomes 8 Compare and contrast prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells Prokaryotes are bacteria Eukaryotes are animals plants and fungi 9 Prokaryotic cells DNA is present in the nucleoid Cell wall Ribosomes a What two domains contain these cells Archaea and Bacteria Chapter 4 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template b What are characteristics of these cells i Simplest organisms ii iii iv Cell wall outside of plasma membrane v Do contain ribosomes 10 What is the function of the bacterial cell wall a In a very general and broad sense how do antibiotics act on bacteria b What is one way the Archaea and Bacteria domains differ in their cell wall composition 11 Flagella are found in some prokaryotes What is the function of the flagella In a brief sense how does it work Present in some prokaryotic cells Rotary motion propels the cell a Eukaryotic cells Characteristics i Possess a membrane bound nucleus ii More complex than prokaryotic cells iii Hallmark is compartmentalization iv Achieved through use of membrane bound organelles and endomembrane system v Possess a cytoskeleton for b For plant and animal cells if listed on Table 4 2 you need to be able to label structure and know function Also be able to compare and contrast plant animal and prokaryotic cells c Nucleus i Repository of the genetic information ii Most eukaryotic cells possess a single nucleus iii Nucleolus ribosomal RNA synthesis takes place iv Plasma Membrane 1 Made of 2 phospholipid bilayers 2 Nuclear pores control passage in and out In eukaryotes the DNA is divided into multiple linear chromosomes v vi Chromatin is the chromosome wrapped with protein d Ribosomes Made up of RNA i Function make proteins ii Found in which domains of life Found in all three domains of life iii Found where in the cell e Endomembrane System In the cytoplasm or associated with internal membranes Chapter 4 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template i What is it ii Divides cell into compartments where different cellular functions occur iii Do prokaryotes have this structure f Endoplasmic Reticulum ER i What are the two types of ER Rough and Smooth ii What makes RER rough Protein is made on the rough ER iii Be able to summarize 1 Their functions variety of functions SER synthesis store Ca2 detoxification liver 2 How they differ RER makes lipids g Golgi Apparatus i Flattened stacks of interconnected membranes ii Functions in packaging and distribution of molecules synthesized at one location and used at another within the cell or even outside of it iii Vesicles transport molecules to destination iv Lysosomes means to break down 1 Functions Membrane bounded digestive vesicles 2 Arise from worn out organelles 3 Enzymes catalyze breakdown of macromolecules 4 Destroy cells or foreign matter that the cell has engulfed by phagocytosis v Be able to trace a molecule through the endomembrane system Fig 4 12 and 4 13 vi Vacuoles 1 Where are they found Membrane bound structures in plants and some protists 2 Function 3 There are different types of vacuoles a Central vacuole in plant cells b Contractile vacuole of some protists c Storage vacuoles h Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Found in all types of eukaryotic cells i What is meant by cellular generators Create energy ii Do these organelles contain DNA Is this unique Have their own DNA and ribosomes iii What is the advantage of their extensive membrane system Abundance of membranes iv Know the structure and function of mitochondria Metabolize sugar to generate ATP v Know the structure and function of chloroplasts Chapter 4 Lecture and Reading Note taking Template Present in cells of plants and other eukaryotes have their own DNA use light to generate ATP and sugars circular DNA vi What is endosymbiosis and how is it related to mitochondria and chloroplasts Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved by a symbiosis arising between two cells that were each free living i Cytoskeleton i What is it Network of protein fibers found in all eukaryotic cells ii What are the three types of fibers Three types of fibers Actin filaments helps with movement Microtubules also have role in movement railroad track within cells Intermediate filament mechanical strength anchoring of organelles iii Function 1 Supports the shape of the cell 2 Keeps organelles in fixed locations 3 Involved in cell movement iv Dynamic system constantly forming and disassembling j Extracellular structures and Cell movement i The cytoskeleton helps move materials within cells 1 Flagella and cilia aid movement ii How do plant cell walls compare to bacterial cell walls To fungal cell walls Plants fungi and many protists Different from prokaryote Plants and protists cellulose Fungi chitin iii What is the extracellular matrix ECM and its function Animal cells secrete extracellular matrix composed of proteins and carbohydrates communicating from the outside of the cell to

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SDSU BIOL 151 - Chapter 4 Lecture and Reading Note-taking Template

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