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Chapter 4 5 Study Guide Chapter 4 Carbohydrate organic compound made of varying numbers of monosaccharaides Simple carbohydrates organic compound one or more sugar molecules abundant in a wide variety of foods Monosaccharaides carbon 6 hydrogen 12 and oxygen 6 1 2 1 composed of glucose fructose galactose 1 sugar unit hexose sugars Glucose produced by photosynthesis provide cells with source of energy preferred or sole energy source storage as glycogen o Most abundant in the body produced when chlorophyll containing plants combine with carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight o Plants can use glucose to form large complex carbohydrates o When glucose is consumed by animals the body breaks down these large carbohydrates into glucose which is then used by cells as a source of energy Galactose roles in the body a 6 carbon monosaccharide found mainly bonded with glucose to form the milk sugar lactose Fructose 6 carbon monosaccharaides found in fruits and vegetables aka levulose High fructose corn syrup a substance derived from corn that is used to sweeten foods and beverages Disaccharides composed of lactose sucrose maltose 2 sugar units Lactose produced by mammary glands galactose and glucose Maltose formed during the chemical breakdown of starch glucose and glucose Sucrose found primarily in fruits and vegetables fructose and glucose Glycosidic bonds a type of chemical bond that forms between two monosaccharaides Alpha glycosidic bond a downward facing type of glycosidic bond between two monosaccharide Beta bond an upward facing type of glycosidic bond between two monosaccharide Complex carbohydrates category of carbohydrate that includes oligosaccharides and polysaccharides Oligosaccharides carbohydrate made of relatively few 3 10 sugar units monosaccharide composed of raffinose and stachyose Polysaccharides compose of glycogen starch dietary fiber more than 10 sugar units Glycogen storage form of glucose in the body liver and skeletal muscles highly branched arrangement of glucose broken down quickly for energy Carbohydrate loading a technique used to increase the body s glycogen stores Starch a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds Produced by most green plants as an energy store o Amylose a type of starch consisting of a linear unbranched chain of glucose o Amylopectin a type of starch consisting of a highly branched arrangement of molecules glucose molecules o Structure of starch plants store glucose in the form of starch Both forms of starch amylose and amylopectin consist of glucose molecules bonded together Fiber polysaccharide found in plants that is not digested or absorbed in the human small intestine promotes growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria o Dietary fiber fiber that naturally occurs in plants Soluble dietary fiber dissolves in water Insoluble does not dissolve in water o Functional fiber fiber that is added to food to provide beneficial physiological effects o Total fiber the combination of dietary fiber and functional fiber Photosynthesis process whereby plants use energy from the sun to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water Alcohol Sugars another group of alternate sweeteners are neither sugars nor alcohol They occur naturally in plants particularly fruits and have half the sweetness and calories of sucrose found in sugar free items only 2 to 3 kcal per gram Lactose intolerance inability to digest the milk sugar lactose caused by a lack of the enzyme lactase Symptoms abdominal cramping bloating flatulence and diarrhea can occur within 30 60 minutes Certain diseases medications and surgery that damage the intestinal mucosa can increase the risk of lactose intolerance Glycemic response the change in blood glucose following the ingestion of a specific food Glycemic load a rating system used to categorize the body s glycemic response to foods that takes into account the glycemic index as well as the amount of carbohydrate typically Glucagon hormone secreted by the pancreas a cells in response to decreased blood glucose helps increase blood glucose Digestion absorption of carbohydrates starch digestion begins in the mouth disaccharides are digested in the small intestine monosaccharaides are readily absorbed from the small intestine Insulin hormone secreted from the pancreas b cells in response to increase blood glucose promotes energy storage Glyconeogenesis synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources Ketone organic compound used as an energy source during starvation fasting low carbohydrate diets or uncontrolled diabetes Ketosis condition resulting from excessive ketones in the blood RDA recommended dietary allowance carbohydrates 130 g per day for adults 175 and 210 g per day during pregnancy AMDRS Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range carbohydrates 45 60 of total energy 4 kcal per gram consuming 225 and 325 g of carbohydrates each day FINDING RECOMMENDED TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE total energy requirement kcal day multiplied by recommended kcal from carbohydrate in a decimal 45 or 65 divided by 4 Diabetes mellitus medical condition characterized by a lack of insulin or impaired insulin utilization that result in elevated blood glucose levels Type 1 diabetes aka juvenile onset diabetes and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus this form of diabetes results when the pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin due to a loss of insulin producing b cells Type 2 diabetes aka adult onset diabetes and non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus this form of diabetes results when insulin requiring cells have difficulty responding to insulin Insulin resistance condition characterized by the inability of insulin receptors to respond to the hormone insulin Secondary diabetes diabetes that results from other diseases medical conditions or medication Gestational diabetes type of diabetes characterized by insulin that develops in pregnancy Risk Factors of diabetes Family history of diabetes Sedentary lifestyle exercise fewer than 3 times per week History of gestational diabetes or delivery of a baby weighing more than nine pounds at birth Overweight or obese History of vascular disease Having polycystic ovary syndrome Having high blood pressure Having low HDL cholesterol Having high triglycerides Being African American Hispanic Native American or Pacific Island decent Symptoms of diabetes Fatigue Frequent urination Excessive thirst Blurred vision Frequent UTI S Slow wound healing Vaginal itching

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Chapter 4 & 5 Study Guide

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