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CAS 100A PENN STATE UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR DAVID J WEINERT JOHNSTONE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CHAPTER 6 DESIGNING A MESSAGE SPEAKING TO INFORM EDUCATE 1 Why is it better to organize outline and design the body of the speech BEFORE putting together the introduction and conclusion having done the research you have your sources and main ideas to assemble the rest assemble the meat first 2 In one or two sentences describe each of the following patterns of organization for the body of a speech a description of the problem and a description of the solution w sources to support a Chronological listed according to time or date b Spatial orders things according to place or position c Categorical topical most widely used independent main ideas d Cause Effect going to dependent main ideas e Problem Solution used for speech 2 f Compare Contrast rarely used in class comparing two entities g Residues alternatives elimination arranging main ideas in order of importance h Climatic ascending descending i Motivated Sequence 1 attention 2 need 3 satisfaction 4 visualization 5 action attention getter audience relevancy ethos state thesis or claim provide road maps for the body arranging main ideas in the order of importance largely independent main ideas of each other for speech 3 five step persuasive organizational pattern that is designed specifically to motivate individuals to take action 3 Describe why the subject matter of a speech is important when choosing an organizational pattern because some topics just lend themselves better to organizational patterns which pattern will be best for the topic 4 As a review what are five things one needs to do in the introduction of a speech see the speech 1 template 5 List and briefly discuss some ways to get the attention of the audience in the introduction of the speech you will have more attentiveness from your audience in the beginning you want to hook them 1 identify with the audience 2 startling statistic 3 analogy comparing the known to the unknown 4 tell a story 5 rhetorical or direct question risky 6 quote don t assume the quote will be engaging 7 humor might not be funny to them 6 When verbally stating your partition what are a few things to keep in mind make sure when you tease the main ideas that you tease them in the same order that they come in the body of the presentation 7 Johnstone mentions a few things one might want to consider doing in the conclusion of the speech They are it is up to you no one way of doing the conclusion only rule don t introduce new material summarize main ideas synthesize main ideas 8 Explain what transitions are signposting When would one use these during a speech itemize the main ideas first second third finally next another etc incorporate those words pauses raising the volume 9 Distinguish the difference between speech rate and volume 10 The author of our textbook discusses several qualities or elements of effective delivery List and briefly elaborate 1 audience can t hear you 2 knowledgeable and in command of the material 3 11 What are fillers and why should a speaker avoid them ums and uhs some are okay excessive is not most times they are unaware like actually anxiety or not practicing 12 Explain what the speaker s triangle is 13 Explain the following and why they can be important elements in a speech a Ethos extremely important what the audience thinks of you establishing a sense of credibility to audience clothing body language articulation physical appearance b Logos logic ones ability to arrange information in a way that the audience can follow along c Pathos emotional appeal

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