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CAS 100A PENN STATE UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR DAVID J WEINERT JOHNSTONE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CHAPTER 3 PREPARING FOR SPEECH 1 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS 1 Johnstone begins the chapter by discussing the process of discovery What is this and how does it relate to our class requirements 2 The author of our textbook talks about why it is important to practice your speech prior to your scheduled speech day Discuss the reasons mitigates performance anxiety 3 In your own words what is performance anxiety anxiety or fear of performing in front of an audience 4 What is the difference between speaking to the audience and speaking at them to conversational informal audience is engaged at would be performative audience is passive 5 Describe what slippage is a concept that Johnstone argues will happen when you are doing the actual performance where it actually counts 6 Why is it sometimes difficult to receive feedback on your speech performance from the instructor feedback will be more performance based difficult because we are sensitive 7 In general when considering audience analysis one should consider audience demographics culture and psychology Explain the more you know about your audience the more you ll be able to connect with them 8 Might the size of an audience impact a speaker s presentation style smaller audience more conversational larger audience more performative 9 In understanding audience psychology describe what selective exposure is audiences tendency to favor information they agree with or that reinforces their preexisting views 10 How can a speaker motivate listeners make your message personally important a topic that is audience centered they will benefit 11 List some formal and informal methods of audience analysis informal talk to someone who has spoken to the group before knowing what they read what websites they visit television programs they watch etc observing them if possible formal Nielson gives tv programs the ratings and how many people watch at a certain time sends diaries to households to select zip codes

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