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Melissa Luyster CAS 100A January 30th 2014 Assignment 4 8 Your Speeches Link from p 38 and 39 In this class you will give a series of speeches on issues of public concern To help you brainstorm about a possible topic answer the following questions You can use The New York Times Centre Daily Times and Daily Collegian for help 1 What are some problems that require a response Identify three clear exigencies A national issue A local issue at the state or local level An issue here on campus An example of a national issue that would require a response is marijuana and other drug abuse as a health threat to America An example of a local issue that would require a response in the state of Pennsylvania is drilling activity in the Marcellus Shale Lastly an example of an issue here on campus that would require a response and should be addressed immediately is making the Centre Area Transport Authority CATA system more efficient 2 Explain why each of these exigencies is Urgent Capable of being changed helped or altered in some way through speech The national issue of marijuana and other drug abuse is very urgent This is because as America has placed more lenient policies on marijuana the growing population of users produces a growing population of addicts The Pennsylvania state issue of drilling in the Marcellus shale is also urgent because this resource is extremely valuable and will create employment However environmental protections need to be put in place immediately to prevent any environmental consequences The issue at Penn State University of making the CATA system more efficient is capable of being helped through speech in several ways Either students faculty who frequently use the buses can reach out to CATA with their complaints and or suggestions or someone of authority in university transportation can reach out 3 The audience for your speeches this semester will be your classmates and your instructor What sorts of concerns interests goals and priorities in their belief system can you use in getting them to care about each of the three social problems you have identified The national issue of drug abuse in America appealing to their ethos by having them think of anyone they know affected by drug abuse demonstrating how the facts about marijuana abuse are true logos The state issue of drilling in the Marcellus shale inducing thoughts about the concern importance of clean water and air facts about the ways it can increase employment opportunities and improve the economy appeal to students who are interested in natural gas engineering environmental science etc The university issue of CATA transportation ask how many students use the CATA system and how many are satisfied with how it operates convince them that their voices matter in this issue as students who are the primary riders of CATA buses

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PSU CAS 100A - Assignment #4.8: Your Speeches

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