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Power to the People but who are the people The Construction of Nationalism 02 26 2014 Key Themes What forces shaped the development of nationalism in Europe and the rest of the world How was the bourgeois dream of a unified Italy and Germany coopted by conservative forces What were the initial consequences of these unification movements Consolidating Europe The aftermath of the failed 1848 revolutions and how regime sought to establish their re control by adapting themselves France abolish the monarchy and Napoleon III as emperor Regime will keep themselves in power by keeping the goals of the bourgeoisie As long as the conservative government does what the middle class wants then everything will be fine Bourgeoisie want free markets large markets Unification is a major bourgeoisie goal Nationalism and economic development o Conservative regime make this their mission Peace through Prosperity Europe experiences as economic boom Marx and Engle were wrong The Bourgeoisie were not as revolutionary anymore when the market boomed o Calmed down in 1849 1850 Russia economic modernization Growth in steam power 4 million 10 18 5 million horse power in 20 years Prosperity o Middle class is making most of this money o Wages go up and even the working class is benefitting o International Exhibition of 1876 meant to symbolize progress of economic growth Making the world smaller Railroads connected many part of Europe 2nd industrial revolution o telegram electric telegraph o increases unification o Around the World in 80 days 1872 o Makes Europe seen much smaller o Seems really dumb for the German states to be separated Yearning for a nation Seems stupid Leads to nationalism o Germans are now in closer contact with each other and with o Close contacts begins to cause similar people to join together other European countries and not like other people o Cultural nationalism o German historian argues that Napoleon created Germany o Cultural Nationalism step toward political nationalism People that are like alike Creating a nation literature that cause for common languages to appear common German common French Puts it into the mind of the people that they are a unified culture and can be a unified states o Conservatives see cultural nationalism as a way to keep o Liberals begin too see king as an ally to create this unified themselves in power state Former revolutionaries join conservative regimes The first step is unifying the state The Age of Nations 1848 1870s the Age of nations o putting together of nation states in way that have never been seen before Japan o creating a true government that creates a true nation states o Are not conquered or opened up by European o Isolated by choice and are ruled by an old regime aristocracy o 1854 Commodore Mathew shows up with a troop and wants Japan to trade with America This shows Japan that they are very far behind in the world o The Meiji Restoration 1854 1858 process of transition Emperor fights back against old system and wants to modernize Japan Industrialization Modern government put in place 1870s produces its own weapon royal family image 1900s Japanese family look like a European Crushing regionalism and unifying entire states o The American Civil War Before the war strong states and a weal government Southern states succeed in order to keep slavery Civil war is fought South claims that this is a war for the southern nation and the southern way f life The north argues that it is the preservation of the union Southerners are trying to tear apart the US When Civil war is won America is truly a unified stated and of America for the first time Building Italy Conservative and liberal working together Risorgimento Count of Cavour conservative prime minister of some part of Italy convinces Napoleon III to get rid of the Austrians and they succeed o Napoleon wanted the city of Nice Get Seboy and Nice Giuseppe Garibaldi radical hero of revolution of 1848 leaves and goes to South America and becomes a hero there too The spirit of the revolution o Born in Nice and is pissed that they gave it to France o Comes back from SA and tries to launch a war by himself o Launches an invasion of Sicily with 1000 men the red shirts o Conquers Sicily and conquers all of southern Italy by himself o Conquers everything but Rome Rome is protected by France so waging war in Rome is like waging war with France Does not conquer Rome Unifies entire Italy but the king of Sardinian becomes king of Italy 1870 Rome falls to Italy A German Empire Image German symbol of freedom and liberty 1848 Germany could agree what it was o big vs little Germany Prussians have a good military o 1860s major military modernization o need a lot of money o the only thing right the middle class has it to pay taxes and they are not going to pay this to pay for the army and wars o King needs to find someone to find the law Turns too Otto von Bismarck plans to completely ignore parliament opposes the liberal parliament decrease his popularity and the popularity of the king o 1862 gives a speech in Prussia o trying to unify Germany o Militaristic nationalism o Fights a short war with Denmark and is allied with Austria o Needs to beat Austria o 1866 Austria and Prussia go to war o Prussia has modernized weapons built their railroads for military purposes o Austrians are crushed o Peace treaty is signed The North German Confederation Napoleon III watches this war with fear o Tensions rise between Prussia and France o Bismarck sees this to be his opportunity and believes that Germany will follow him o Napoleon III declares war on Prussia Franco Prussian War o Prussians are victorious o Defeat Napoleon and capture him o Image Bismarck and Napoleon during the war o French government collapses o The French keep fighting a revolution occurs I France at the same time A new republic declared in France A communists republic declared in Paris o Bismarck occupies Versailles Invites all the German kings to this palace and the German Empire is declared German Empire What are the consequences of unifying these nations US Japan Italy Germany Old balance of power is collapsing Powerful Germany and Italy New levels of competition in Europe Germany is going to become an economic rival of Britain Germany will out compete Britain o Britain will no longer support free trade o More control over markets World wide competition over equal powers Britain will have real rivals Need to politically control people not only their

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