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The Springtime of the People s The Revolutions of 1848 02 26 2014 Key Themes How does the partnership of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat as well as the liberals and the nationalists help drive forward the Revolutions of 1848 How does the splitting of these partnerships contribute to the success of the Counterrevolution What were the long term implications of the Revolution of 1848 1848 in America The California Gold Rush o Social pressure is relieved o People went out west to find gold o Able to happen because of the Mexican American war Mexican American war o Americans won o Image o The treaty that end the war gave the us a lot of land and Mexico gave all of its plains to Texas o Many officers that participated in the American civil war got their training here o Outside enemy brings together the north and south The Seneca Falls Convention o First meeting of reformers that were aiming to expand the franchise of the US by including women o Right for women to vote o Fredrick Douglas argued for the women s vote and was involved in changing the world for freed slaves o Trying to make the world a better place for those seen as property women and slaves Uneasiness in Restored Europe in their goals By the end of the 19th century the chartists were mostly successful Countries like France and Belgium caught up to England Groups Bourgeois and Proletariat In non industrialized region ideals of the French revolution were still present and appreciated The Bourgeois the proletariat and the peasants fought to change Rise of nationalism and push to the wars of 1848 Early Steps The dream of a democratic order remained in mind in the continent In Russis the attempted uprising began in December 1825 o A group of military officers that fought in the Napoleonic wars picked up a lot of liberal ideals and they tried to take over the government France o Upper middle class movement with no lower class support o Louis XVIII Aboslutism and constitutional monarchy absolutist Let things as they were Died in 1824 o Charles X Replaced Louis XVIII Pushed many law July 1830 put out laws that stripped the wealthy middle class of their rights the middle class joined the lower class and had an uprising Image Liberty leading the people liberty holding the French flag she is leading the middle class and the working class o Louis Philip was elected as a constitutional monarch Held liberal views Asked to become king but the charter was changed and he was named King of the French people and not King of The Foundations of Revolution France Belgium creates their own constitutional march The polish tried to do the same thing with Russia but they were crushed Both these revolutions were able national independence German states were joined through the Germanic confederation o Had little power o Used the states to press out any liberal ideas or reform o Great economic growth through industrialization o In the latter 19th century they surpass Britain o Zollverein free trade system Hansford empire o Northern Italy o Young Italy free and democratic Italy Created by Mazzini o Believed that nations were meant to be free but to build up humanity as a whole o Created Young Europe meant to organize nationalist groups across Europe to fight for freedom and nationalism The Spark The July Revolution was good for the wealthy middle class but not eh other middle class France continued to industrialize o Working conditions were terrible Louis Philippe became less liberal bc people used the freedom of the press and had started to criticize the king and the king striped about the freedom of the press Similar pressures were occurring in other regimes in Europe Poor harvest were occurring and food prices increased South Italy early 1848 Revoltuion French people began to meet at banquets to discuss political Increasing unemployment problems o They had one scheduled in February when they found out that the revolution Sicily evolved o The king stopped this and the people went to the streets o The working class joined them in the streets o After 4 days of fighting Louis fled to Britain o Bourgeouis revolutionary met to talk what to do and they decided to start a second French republic o NO MORE REPUBLIC The Conflagration As soon as people haerd about France they took action in their own People in Berlin rose up with the poor and demanded a new consitiution from the king He agreed but fighting broke out and many people were killed Image women representing Germany Almost free and united Germany Trying to join to untie Germany Metternich flees Vienna and the empire almost bursts apart National groups rising up everywhere Young Ireland group rebelled against Britain for an independent Ireland Counterrevolution o Working class people of Ireland didn t revolute because starving people don t revolt People who overthrew Philippe wanted something in return These leaders wanted radical social transformations o One of their chief demands was there right to work o Public works road building etc o But it did not keep up with the huge unemployed workers o Angry workers in Paris Universal suffrage people who are voting may not vote in the desirable way June days 10000 people were killed but order was restored Germany Prussian king began to rally his forces Germany declared war or Denmark o Called on Prussia to supply troops to fight the war o When the war was over the Prussians did the treaty on their own instead of the national convention o Radical member of the nationa assembly wanted to rebel but were crished by the Prussians o National assembly weakened o Mobs in the streets are cushed Hansford empire o The army revolted Prague o Took back Vienna France president president o Many croatiand and Romanians o Together invade humgary o Louis Kossuh hungarians fuought bck under him made him o Masiv amry sent into hungary and defeated o New constitution was a strong exective authority under a o Many heroes of the revolution o CHalres Luois Napoleon Bonoparte Napoleon s nephew Elected presiden o After 3 years he dissolved the republic and decalred the 2 French Empire was emperor Napoleon III o Image Napoleon being elected and becoming emperor wearing a sash military jacket sword neoclassic architecture behind him Defeat The great push for liberal democracy was being pushed back Important changes had changed tings o The coming together of the bourgeois and the lower class o Place around Europe even after the defeat of the revolutions new conservative

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