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Viva la revolution Revolution in the Western Hemisphere 02 26 2014 A World Crisis Early 1800s to 1830s Europe can dominate the world Europe has been modernized by constant warfare o States are more powerful o The spread of nationalism Great justification for expansion British start to think that hey have a better way of life and they are the empire of liberty Industrialization gives Europe and edge o Military and economic expansion Trading Societies Latin America and Caribbean born into the trade network o Europeans set them up o Creating new social order which is making things unstable Saint Domingue was the dominant colony for France o Top white planters slave owners very wealthy o Bottom slaves working in the plantations people form Africa o Other poor whit people free black people people of mixed o Biggest slave holder o New creoles cultures emerged that were different from France o People have very little connection to France so they create a heritage new culture Creole culture different things that were mixed together Americans were creating new ideas separate from England so was Saint Domingue Image Market day in Saint Domingue Black people slaves Mixed heritage people higher class o Latin America Societal breakdown Native Spanish Creoles white people born in the colonies Mixed race mestizos Native American people and slaves Types of people found in South America Tensions arise Cannot trade with any other country but with slave Unstable situation before the American Revolution Boiling Over Repercussions of the revolutions are felt Colonists from French and Spanish colonies help the Americans defeat British o They see people fighting for freedom and they bring ideas back to their countries such as Saint Domingue o Spanish soldiers return ideas to Latin America The same time of forces that drove the Americans to revolt are occurring in the Spanish and French colonies as well Increased taxation and administrative interferences makes people mad Peru increased taxation and administrative changes felt most by the poorest people which were the native people of the Inca o 1781 revolt erupts in the Andes mountains and Tupac Amaru II leads a Native army against the Spanish forces o Local creoles also join him and even people from Spanish decent join him o Defeats many Spanish armies o Coalition breaks down interests of the creole people were different form the poor natives o Eventually defeated and is killed Tremendous tension beneath the surface The Haitian Revolution 1789 French Revolution breaks out Haiti is the jewel of the French empire White planters view the revolution as a way to gain the representation that they want o They do not want to be taxed by the French government without their consent o Elect representatives and send them to France Mixed race people take the declaration of men literally and want to All free groups on the island argued and then actual fighting be representative occurred The slaves also made their claim for freedom o They use this instability to launch an uprising in 1791 in the northern part of saint Domingue Haitian Revolution begins as a slave uprising Revolution is unclear at first because they do not know what the o Many slaves did not care about freedom but they want a slaves want better life these ideas work about the rest Rebellion slowly evolves to revolution Invasion of Saint Domingue by Spanish and British forces radicalizes Toussiant uses France s Rights of Man against them Makes his name fighting against the British Emerges and the controlling of the empire island Adopts the French revolution but not democracy When he takes the island he forces many slaves to go back to People only want to be free from slavery they really don t care France sends new commissioners to Haiti Decades of War 1801 Toussiant declares himself to be governor for life When Napoleon s army invades Haiti he tries to make a truce with Napoleon but Napoleon tricks him and deports him to France 1804 Desalines declares the island to be free and names it Haiti o no white people are allowed in Haiti o Declares himself to be emperor and is killed in 2 years o The followers of Desalines embrace the constitution o Haiti becomes a dangerous symbol to other colonies Latin American revolution began in 1808 1807 Brazil 1807 Napoleon invades Portugal o king leaves to Brazil and transfers the capital of the Portuguese empire to the New World 1808 the overthrow of the Spanish king opens up opportunities for the Spanish colonies to revolt Spanish colonies try to set up their own government and elect representatives o Ideas of being totally independent arises 1811 Venezuela is independent Multispectral conflict arise people want to stay loyal to the Spanish king and people want to be independent 1812 Spanish is declared a constitutional monarchy Civil erupts in most Spanish colonies Mexico revolution is defeated and monarchy takes control Spanish king Fernando comes back to the throne and declares that he is going to rule as an absolute monarchy o People switch to the independence side o Bolivar flees to Haiti 1816 goes to Venezuela with Haitian troop and arms If Bolivar wins he must ban slavery in Latin American Bolivar defeats most of the Spanish forces in 1819 named Gran Colombia Becomes quite large Believes that he is going to be able to create a centralized government but he is opposed by his allies 1829 declares himself dictator 1831 government falls apart Republics grow in other countries Consequences Long term significance o Abolition of the slave trade 1807 slave trade act o Cuts off the flow of sugar and coffee from Haiti to Europe this needs to be replaced Increases slavery in other Caribbean islands Soil gives out eventually Sugar and coffee production collapses Slavery is not profitable 1823 British abolishes slave all together Slavery survives in o Brazil until the 1880 s o Unites States Cotton basis of the industrial revolution Europeans discover the sugar beet which can give sugar Latin America o 2 decades of war screw up the economy o old trading networks are broken down o greatest exports are silver o you need money to rebuild an economy Spain isn t going to give you any money o Britain moves into Latin America and becomes the primary lenders to the Latin American government Britain invests in raw material to make their own Latin American gets tied into the informal empire of material boom Britain Monroe Doctrine congress of Vienna says that they will fight

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