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Lecture 2 Globalization II 01 16 2014 The Genie Out of the Bottle Napoleon and Revolution in Europe Europe and the French Revolution Ideas spread around Europe and around the world o Jacobin clubs spring around Europe London Berlin Moscow o Even before Napoleon has sprung to power the French republic these ideas are spread A Revolutionary Rise Napoleon o Born a nobody father was a very poor farmer Very few prospects in his life o Sent to military school before the revolution Father wanted a career as a low ranking officer at least Napoleon is bullied in military school Didn t speak French well o Napoleon s rise is astronomic General by the age of 24 Rises in popularity He is brave and his men and the newspapers love him o His rise inspires fear in the French government The directory sends him to Egypt Napoleon conquers Egypt Plays pharaoh for a while o The Coup of the 18th Brumaire Coup that brings Napoleon to power Declares some legislators dissolved Legislators attack napoleon and he is beat The People s Dictator Napoleon is proclaimed First Consul up o Savvy political figure o Consul for life He holds a plebiscite to say yes or no to Napoleon s rule o Loyalty of Napoleon s army makes the election unfair because nobody will oppose him He is considered a people s dictator Administering an Empire Napoleon decides that he needs to have a title o Napoleon is crowned Emperor of France The new constitution is once again voted by the people of France People support the new constitution Picture o Napoleon s traditions Looks like Louis XIV Like the King of England Like Caesar Heavy duty reforms o Napoleon will expand the power of France across Europe The Napoleonic Code Creates National Public Schools Technical colleges set up o People running the government know what they are doing Writes a new code of laws o Takes the declaration of the rights of man and citizens and declares it a law o All people are equal before the law He is claiming to be supporting the rights of all citizens Napoleon Triumphant in France Peace with Great Britain breaks down Embargo Britain Napoleon and the Spread of Revolutionary Principles Puts brothers in charge of other countries Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire Peasants become free Spreads the French Revolution to all places Russia Prussia and Austria want to defeat him Napoleon influences is even in places that oppose him 1807 1809 Napoleon is invincible defeats everyone except GB Tries to stop trade with Britain but many people in Europe trade with Britain therefore economic instability Overthrows the monarch of Spain and puts him brother in charge War breaks out in Spain and defeats them Actual Spanish people fight Napoleon s army Guerillas Image The Third May 1808 Francisco Goya France s reply to the Spanish Guerilla wars Nationalism erupts Imperial over reach backlash and the beginning of the end 1810 Napoleon decides that he needs an heir divorces wife and marries the daughter of the emperor or Austria Undercuts support for himself Economic collapse unpopularity and rise in nationalism not good Russia rises up and wants to trade with GB Napoleon decides to invade Russia Russia and the end of Napoleon s Empire Russian forces burn everything as the march further into Russia Russian burns Moscow and Napoleon orders a retreat Russians massacre his troops 65000 to 7000 Everyone rises up against Napoleon when they hear that he is defeated o Eventually defeated in 1814 and is exiled o Gives up France but is the king of Alba Securing Peace The congress of Vienna 1814 1815 trying to establish peace in Europe and balance the power Attempting Restoration o Bring back Monarchy with Louis XVIII o French people refuse him unless he issues a constitution Constitutional monarch once again o Fear because Louis XVI and Louis XVIII are very similar o Louis XVII actually wants to get rid of the French revolutionary completely Napoleon s Return o Napoleon escapes and returns with 1000 troops o Louis XVIII send troops to meet Napoleon o His troops join Napoleon o Louis flees to England and Napoleon declares himself emperor o People of Paris praise him picks up where he left off and goes again of to conquer Belgium o Fight GB in Waterloo Belgium Prussians crush Napoleon o The powers of Europe put Napoleon on a far away island o Louis comes back and is once again made king of France o People realize that the ideas of the revolution are really popular o Russian Prussian and British officers chill with the French Officers and these ideas of the revolutionary begin to spread Congress of Vienna o want to control the ideas of the French Revolution British argued that giving rights to the middle and lower class then the would be more controlled Instead they send troops to places where the revolutionary broke out Ripple Effect America o Napoleonic wars spread al around the world especially in Latin o Everyone else in the world feels these wars and his influences o Remakes the entire globe 01 16 2014 01 16 2014

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